Recent content by Fizzbinn

  1. Fizzbinn

    Bought a "daystar digital 105013-109 33 Mhz Card 01-FC040-001" off eBay, this is a 68040 PDS L2...

    Bought a "daystar digital 105013-109 33 Mhz Card 01-FC040-001" off eBay, this is a 68040 PDS L2 cache, right?
  2. Fizzbinn

    Issues with OS install on PowerBook 165c Something like this should work, emulating a CD-ROM on SCSI ID 3: CD30_Apple_Legacy_Recovery.iso Of note they list that Apple Legacy Software Recovery CD iso on Macintosh Garden in their doc on BlueSCSI images:
  3. Fizzbinn

    Issues with OS install on PowerBook 165c

    😟 I'm not sure if something like that would work. My guess is your 7.1 floppies are the upgrade version that work with Macs released before 7.1 came out. You could overwrite the floppies if you have a way of doing that. Another old Mac, modern machine with floppy drive. I haven't really tried...
  4. Fizzbinn

    Issues with OS install on PowerBook 165c

    What are you using for your System 7.1 install source? I ask as 7.1 requires "System Enablers" to work on many systems (including the PB 165c) I would expect you'd see that error if you are using a 7.1 install source (floppies? images?) that includes a System Enabler for another model Mac. Neat...
  5. Fizzbinn

    What is this??

    It looks like a 3rd party Apple TV Tuner card: I had no idea that was a thing. I wonder if it accommodated some special/regional analog TV standard that Apple did not with their official cards?
  6. Fizzbinn

    NeXT Station Color Collection for sale

    Apparently NeXT machines had proprietary displays that included speakers, sound in/out, and the keyboard connection (ADB) for the computer. The Sound Box along with a Y cable let you use "standard" rebadged or 3rd party displays. Good explanation here:
  7. Fizzbinn

    Quadra 630 Restoration

    Great write up, always enjoy reading about hard fought victories like this!
  8. Fizzbinn

    Help identify the NuBus network card

    The cut corner PCB made me think of the MacSense E-440 NuBus Ethernet card Macsense-440-NuBus-Network-Adapter but the component layout is very different...
  9. Fizzbinn

    eBay seller PSA

    I'm beginning to suspect this one might not be legit either...
  10. Fizzbinn

    PowerBook Duo right to repair!

    Apple has long held an iron grip on the materials and tools required to repair their devices but starting today I'm doing my small part to level the playing field by introducing a PowerBook Duo Battery Contact Alignment Tool rental service! Never again wonder if your battery contacts have...
  11. Fizzbinn

    Anyone else a huge fan of the Alien franchise?

    Alien = First movie to give me nightmares after watching on VHS (in ~1988 at age 11). The gritty realism made it connect at a level very different level from the Star Trek world I had grown to love, which didn’t go ”there”. Aliens = OMG WTF was that! James Cameron’s epic bowled me and friends...
  12. Fizzbinn

    Apple 15 inch Studio Display (M4551) missing a power supply

    Glad to help. Awesome is right!
  13. Fizzbinn

    Apple 15 inch Studio Display (M4551) missing a power supply

    Tested with my multimeter, it is center positive.
  14. Fizzbinn

    BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

    I just tried my BlueSCSI v2 external DB-25 with my Performa 6360 and it worked fine. Absolutely could be another issue uncovered by the above mentioned troubleshooting steps but are you sure you have v2? I only ask because I was never able to get my BlueSCSI v1 external DB-25 to work with that...