Recent content by MrTechGadget

  1. MrTechGadget

    MARCHintosh Projects?

    I just finished my first #MARCHintosh Contribution! Finally got around to assembling, configuring, and testing a PiSCSI, cracking open my new Mac SE for the first time. Maybe next time I'll plan a live stream in advance so it isn't just me talking to myself ;)...
  2. MrTechGadget

    ADB KVM Switch - Thoughts?

    I realize I am many months late to this party, but am I the only one with one of these in a box? All mechanical, just some diodes on the video connectors and one really awesome rotary switch.
  3. MrTechGadget

    Good morning. I saw your site on Mac84 tonight and noticed you needed a IIci logic board photo...

    Good morning. I saw your site on Mac84 tonight and noticed you needed a IIci logic board photo for your capacitor page. I'm prepping for recapping this one so I thought I would grab a shot and send it your way for inclusion on your site. FYI, your IIci page states the axials are 16v, but mine...