
  1. Mac84

    Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack)

    In this thread I'll be discussing my adventures in modifying the Kodak Reels 8mm film digitizer firmware. First I'll explain how I started, my goals, the the results, some tidbits I learned, and how-to do this yourself. This will be a lengthy post, but my process may be helpful to others and I...
  2. retr01

    Adjusting user-agent strings to access Macintosh Garden 💐 🌐 💾 🌻

    Hi! :) I considered using a web browser on my P476 and SE/30 to access the Macintosh Garden. I came across this discussion thread that discusses which older browsers will work to access that site. The iCab 2.99 can work, yet I prefer the Netscape Navigator 2.02 because of its lightweight and...