Staff Bio - Drake


TinkerDifferent Board Vice-President 2023
Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
First Apple: IIGS
Favorite Mac: Quadra 700... or maybe LC475?! OR 6100/66AV?! :unsure:
Strengths: Graphic design, Computer Repair/Restorations
Weaknesses: Dinosaurs, vintage input devices, "Buy It Now" buttons
Favorite Movie: Jurassic Park

Guten Tag, Ich bin Drake!

Ich Komme aus Vancouver Island *SORRY* bit of Deutsch stuck in my throat!
I've worked with a degree in Primary Care Paramedicine since 2009. I've also been a licensed private investigator, photographer, dog sledder and camera operator for the film industry. As of 2021 my wife and I became parents to a beautiful baby girl! (much to the dismay of our Schnauzer)

I have previously founded and grown communities and discords such as R/ModelM to thousands of members through engagement, promotions, contests and partnerships with companies such as Unicomp.

I collect, repair and restore vintage computers and peripherals in my spare time both for myself and others around the globe.

I believe in fostering an open, welcoming community that supports its members equally and unbiased. I'll often be hosting contests and giveaways so keep an eye out!
