PowerBook G4 12" Resources?


Active Tinkerer
Oct 18, 2021
I've received a PowerBook G4 12"! It's not in perfect shape, but I've always wanted one of these, and it boots and runs! It has ~640 mb of RAM, and an 867 MHz processor, so one of the earlier ones.


I have some questions about it, and am hoping to find some resources for these. Maybe there's a webpage out there that I'm just not finding.
  1. What is the best version of Mac OS X for these? Tiger, or Leopard?
  2. The AirPort card is missing. I thought it was PCMCIA, but it seems slightly too narrow. Did these use ExpressCard? Is there a recommended replacement?
  3. Is there a guide or method to replace the latch? It is broken on mine. I do have a 3D printer. :)
  4. Is there a method to straighten out the bent aluminum, or is that just a done thing?
  5. Do any replacement feet exist? They're completely gone from mine!
  6. Anything else I need to know about these?
I do plan on putting an SSD in it, following the great video/guide and Amazon links from @Action Retro!