Recent content by 3lectr1c

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. 3lectr1c

    Managing your collections

    You could create a website that stores collection details in a MySQL database, along with a password-protected page on the site that allows you to update it straight from the live site. That's obviously more work though.
  2. 3lectr1c

    Pair of PowerBook 3400c from Craigslist

    SD card adapter works great in the 3400c with one caveat - it will freeze during large file copies, but only on certain OS versions. My 3400c locks up on 8.5 but not on 7.6.1.
  3. 3lectr1c

    Pair of PowerBook 3400c from Craigslist

    Wonderful find! Seconded @Garrett - get the Varta PRAM battery out of both. I'll attach a video tutorial I made to this post. Caps should be fine but it wouldn't hurt to recap it if you have the skills. It will only help it live longer. Here's cap reference...
  4. 3lectr1c

    Massive (filthy) find in South Carolina

    I'd love to use that photo on the page - thanks for posting! I think I'm going to adjust the Tadiran to a 2/5 and the Sonnenscheins to a 1.5/5. I can't ID that completely destroyed battery from the photo either. Could you post a closer up photo (or photos?) - I'm just curious.
  5. 3lectr1c

    Massive (filthy) find in South Carolina

    don't even get me started on ELNA capacitors.... Singlehandedly making an entire generation of Toshiba laptops literally go extinct. Kills the proprietary Toshiba gate arrays in the DC/DC section and then it's game over. T1000LE, T1000XE, T1000SE, T1200XE, T2000, T2000SX, T2000SXe, and more.....
  6. 3lectr1c

    Massive (filthy) find in South Carolina

    I definitely agree that the Maxells leak the worst of any of the brand Apple used (I have a page here going over them all: Maxell and Tadiran are the most common in vintage Macs, followed probably by Sonnenschein (the blue ones) and SAFT...
  7. 3lectr1c

    Massive (filthy) find in South Carolina

    That's a little bit of a severe take, isn't it? Obviously it wasn't deliberate. No one looking to design a product foresees how it will hold up in 30 years. Here's the leaky Tadiran you're looking for: Image from @Volvo242GT I've personally had an IBM PC/AT bombed by a Tadiran block battery...
  8. 3lectr1c

    Toshiba T1200 Power Supply Issues

    Yeah any T1200 needs the dc/dc board in the computer recapped. This is a must on any Toshiba from this time. As for whether the power brick needs it, not sure.
  9. 3lectr1c

    Microscope recommendations

    Thanks! None of those problems seem that bad - that might be the one I go with.
  10. 3lectr1c

    Microscope recommendations

    That one looks pretty great - what are those imperfections you mentioned?
  11. 3lectr1c

    Microscope recommendations

    That one could be pretty good, but I do think I want to go with something higher-tier, just because I want to be sure it’s gonna last.
  12. 3lectr1c

    Microscope recommendations

    I’m at the point now where I need to get a microscope to be able to continue improving at my soldering repairs - I need some recommendations. What do y'all use? I’m looking for one that has a built-in camera so I can record my repairs. My budget would be around $200-300.
  13. 3lectr1c

    Thinkpad 240X

    I'm impressed that one that old worked. They're usually unreliable/nonworking on anything older than a Pentium III.
  14. 3lectr1c

    Thinkpad 240X

    Even if you get a modern web browser running, it will be so anemic that even basic modern websites will be unbearably slow. There's honestly not much of a point in trying. For an SSD - an mSata to IDE adapter with a 128GB mSata drive will likely work fine in the 240X. Probably.