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    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    JAG, it should work - there should be no need to remove the 1 Mb PROMs. I used Collin's cool SeriTek1S2 firmware installer 5.3.1 (or here or here) and his cool Sil3112-1S2 patched compressed PROM firmware to reprogram AliExpress Sil3112 and thus probably the same cards sans removal of their...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    I substantially modified my SATA section of my Nerd Cave notes yet again, this time with recognition that the SilG3114101UpDriveR1 and SilG351210UpDriveR1 firmware installers appear to have no practical use in their current form, so I regelated them to a rhetorical sideline. I now suggest that...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Many thanks Joe! I downloaded "flashrom-joevt-10.4-ppc" and will explore it as soon as I can. If it writes or can be made to write firmware to PCI card resident PROMs under Mac OS it'd be a significant advancement for Macintosh SATA card accessibility in my view. Presumably it would ignore...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    I updated my SATA section of my Nerd Cave notes. Corrections or any other comments highly appreciated of course. Anyone, including TinkerDifferent, is welcome to republish it in full or quote portions of it if I'm attributed properly. I think it's reasonably well organized and thorough yet...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Yes Kai, my AliExpress Sil3114 cards are fully functional in my Mirror Door Drive (FireWire 400) with all four ports simultaneously active, and performance seems in my merely qualitative observations to be ideal. I copied the same roughly 500 MB file from one of the four attached solid state...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Just quick notes for now. I'll check accuracy and compose a more elegant review later: The T48 PROM programmer does successfully install firmware into AM29LV040B PROMs. I removed the two blank PROMs I'd installed in two of my AliExpress Sil3114 cards earlier, installed this firmware into...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Many thanks for your reminder JoeVT! I carefully reread the comments you and Speakers contributed about FlashROM. If you or Speakers have time please advise the status of your FlashROM variants and your recommendations for the best current method to program Sil3114 card ROMs. My rough...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    FlashROM v1.3.0, evidently a command line based utility, for the Mac evidently (linked from here) requires an intel based desktop Mac. I have none so I hope someone who does will explore FlashROM and enlighten us with their experience. This, from my archives, which I suspect I acquired from...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Not yet Phunguss, but I'm actively working on the Sil3114 based card specifically, and all other PCI SATA challenges generally, with current focus on programming completely empty AM29LV040 PROMs, which I suspect is my only significant hurdle to rendering Sil3114 based cards functional. My sense...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Do any AM29LV040 device files exist for SP200S or EZP2023 USB connected PROM programmers? If so references highly appreciated of course! Or can a device file be manually forged for the AM29LV040 or similar? Many thanks and cheers!

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    I recomposed my Mac PCI Card SATA tutorial. I labored for many hours to try to create a very clean and efficient guide but it lacks information and experience in several areas so I hope to refine it substantially as further insights develop. This effort is in like spirit to XodiumRetro's...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Many thanks, I (and ChatGPT) stand corrected! Glaring mistake on my part... So evidently an interaction with one or more of my other PCI cards or some protocol the 9500 utilizes to communicate with specific slots caused the SATA card dysfunction when it was in F2. Currently I have a video...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Resolved in my Power Mac 7200 with a green Sil3112 SATA card: Per the second paragraph in this site evidently Mac OS 9 can't boot from a volume size above 190 GB *. I have a 256 GB SATA storage device in my 7200, so I reformatted it with a Mac MDD running OS 10.5.8 in HFS+, no journaling, with...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Resolved in my Power Mac 9500/120: The red Sil3112 SATA card's location in the last PCI bus position, slot F2, was the problem. When located there the card's internal SATA port was generally functional but I couldn't boot from it in the normal manner, and the external SATA port was completely...

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Booting from a Sil3112 SATA card with an SSD: In my Power Macintosh 9500/120 with a G3 445 MHz processor card running OS 9.1, as I recall I could boot from the SATA SSD in initial experiments, but couldn't later, and generally still can't, a mystery. But by accident I found that if my 9500 tries...