Recent content by alex_santos

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  1. alex_santos

    How I Fixed a Pulled 2-Pin JST Connector for Thermal Sensors on My Mac Mini (2010) and Resolved the Full-Speed Fan Issue

    Apologies for the late reply. I tried to hunt down these connectors, I am not sure if they are FPC connectors or JTC connectors. As I did this some time ago I was considering replacing them but at the end I decided not to because I wanted to zip up the machine and was having difficulty sourcing...
  2. alex_santos

    How I Fixed a Pulled 2-Pin JST Connector for Thermal Sensors on My Mac Mini (2010) and Resolved the Full-Speed Fan Issue

    In the image, I’ve marked the two pulled wires in red and green. Yellow indicates the barely visible "wall" of plastic that remains in place, which prevents the two exposed tips of the wire from shorting. It’s important to check for the lack of continuity between the two wires to ensure a short...
  3. alex_santos

    How I Fixed a Pulled 2-Pin JST Connector for Thermal Sensors on My Mac Mini (2010) and Resolved the Full-Speed Fan Issue

    Hello vintage mac mini user: While working on my Mac Mini (2010), I accidentally pulled the wires out of two of the three 2-pin JST connectors that lead to thermal sensors for the hard drive(s) or optical drive(s) (depending on the Mac Mini model you have). Instead of the connector properly...
  4. alex_santos, since 2020 PURPOSE -Mining Macintosh and Atari 8-bit files -Sources include..., since 2020 PURPOSE -Mining Macintosh and Atari 8-bit files -Sources include Machine ACCESS -FTP/HTTP: -Atari FujiNet:
  5. alex_santos

    Mac SE Restoration Project -- advice wanted!

    I typically do this myself but the dwell time multiplies. I guess it all depends on the board's conditions around those electrolytic surface mounts. @eric ah, didn't click that these are axial. As long as care is taken the day ends nicely.
  6. alex_santos

    Mac SE Restoration Project -- advice wanted!

    I sort of do frown on it but Mr. Carlson (video below) appears to do this (well he twists them off) so I wonder what the truth really is, I say this because the man is an electronics guru. I have to actually watch this video in detail to understand. It's hard to say but desoldering with a lot...
  7. alex_santos

    If you're on the fence between a MP120/130 vs a MP2000/2100...

    Yeah, not sure I want to do that. Wouldn't that have wiped out the branding on the device, namely the silver text that reads "Newton 2100" etc?
  8. alex_santos

    Macintosh Portrait Display Repair - Smearing/Pulsing Image on Screen

    Great fix. I came here because I was looking for a caps list. I may have a different revision, not sure. I will be opening it up and if I have a different revision I will identify it and list the caps. Usually resistors and PNP or NPN transistors remain good so usually in the computer world...
  9. alex_santos

    Portrait Display Connector Pinout

    most CRTs would take even up to an hour to reach their correct bias. For example, you wouldn't be calibrating a CRT color monitor until it was on for at least an hour. Of course those old monochromes wouldn't need calibration but the real point is that CRTs do take time to ramp up for full...
  10. alex_santos

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Thank you James for the video and obviously not just this one. Keep up the great work!
  11. alex_santos

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Thank you both for your replies. I understand the delay. For those who love blue/gold red/gold boards you have options - today. I do believe these colored boards, the only ones currently, as of this writing, would really shine inside a transparent case. I can wait when for the next run Kai...
  12. alex_santos

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Yes Kai replied on Discord similarly. I have never interacted with either of those companies. If you do know something about the process (what is involved) and perhaps have a ball park figure on the costs involved, please do include it in the video itself or as a link comment. Thank you for...
  13. alex_santos

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Hello Kai. Does the board come only in red? I am trying to find the board in black. Could you advise please?
  14. alex_santos

    eMac capacitors

    I came across those same links. What I couldn't do is obtain measurements for the height/width of the cap and the from the two legs. You might want to pay some attention to that as reassembly may be a problem otherwise.
  15. alex_santos

    eMac capacitors

    Oh boy. I better get my eMac out of the box and start reading the board. One more machine to recap. Well, these little beauties are hitting their 20th year. APB: eMac Caps list wanted This machine has a ton of caps, not just those larger caps but many small electrolytic on the main logic board...