Recent content by appleg33k85

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
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    SE/30 Chassis Painting

    Just wanted to show off a bit of work that I did today. The chassis had a bit of rust on one of the rails so I felt it would be a perfect candidate to do a bit of painting on it and show off in the beautiful Mac Effects case. After taking off the rust and cleaning everything thoroughly, I...
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    Display graphic FULL SCREEN on Mac SE?

    I've gotten things to display full screen with Adobe Reader 1.0
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    SE/30 Reloaded

    That was without the bottom side SMD installed. With them installed looks like it comes out to around $170ish using a black PCB.
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    SE/30 Reloaded

    It was about $90 to have 5 done (the minimum) but I don't want to go ahead with it if there are still things being worked on with the project. I'm sure there would be a few people interested in going in on a run of them. Its mainly for the new Maceffects case that I have coming in, wanted a...
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    SE/30 Reloaded

    Yes, i'm not looking for a pre-built one, I'm trying to see if anyone has the PCB for sale so I can build one or if the github from @Bolle is finalized so I can order some boards from JLCPCB.
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    SE/30 Reloaded

    I"m looking to get some more information on the SE/30 reloaded project? I see one post with @craig completing one, but I haven't seen any for sale. I'm interested in working on one and would like to know if they are in the final stages that I could either get one made from JLCPCB or buy one...
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    Mu0n's Color Classic thread

    I've used gorilla glue before that is meant for plastics and its worked well. You could use some type of plastic filler and then spray paint the computer a nice shade of beige to get it mostly back to stock looking or I've considered doing a vinyl wrap just to mix things up.
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    Color Classic Internal SCSI Cable issues

    Would you mind posting some pictures of what you did? It might be easier to help if we are able to see what you did or were attempting to do.
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    Macintosh SE/30 System 7.5.3 & 8.1 HDA image for ROM upgraded Macs

    That would be awesome, I can update the link in this thread once you get it uploaded!
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    Macintosh SE/30 System 7.5.3 & 8.1 HDA image for ROM upgraded Macs

    Good Morning, I have seen quite a few tutorials on how to install System 7.5.3 & 8.1 so I decided to create my own HDA image that will work on a bluescsi (and possibly other such devices) that will work for an SE/30 with an upgraded ROM (such as the MACSIMM or BMOW). The image has not been...
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    Color Classic No Boot

    I have not done anything with the logic board yet as the analog board issues need to be corrected first since it appears to be shorting when powered on (the consistent clicking when turned on without the logic board). If the rear case is on then the fan will turn on and off with the same...
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    Color Classic No Boot

    No, it does not chime, if the logic board isn't installed and the computer is turned on it sits and clicks. If the logic board is installed it will fast cycle (power light comes on and immediately goes off) if the soft power button is pressed. The optoisolator has been replaced, board is fully...
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    Color Classic No Boot

    Here are the best shots that I could get.
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    Color Classic No Boot

    An Update to this: I've replaced a few more common failure components. I replaced the RIFA cap that was cracked in the above photo along with a film cap. I also replaced the 1N4148 diodes and an IRFBC40 MOSFET. Board is still having the same issue and I feel like I'm coming up short on ideas...
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    Issue with ROMinator II and SE/30 (bad contact)

    Are you sure they printed the right clips? There are three types (though two of them are the white plastic that have the issue), double check first to see if yours is a type a or type b and make sure the right one was 3d printed.