Recent content by bryanambition

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  1. bryanambition

    Got wrong hard drive for my iMac G3--is there any hope?

    Ahhh you and Action Retro to save the day! Thanks again so much you guys ;-)
  2. bryanambition

    Got wrong hard drive for my iMac G3--is there any hope?

    Hey thanks so much for the response! Super helpful, as always from this awesome place. Can I ask one more favour? I've found a few PATA/SATA adapters, but none that seem to have the right plug for the new hard drive. Would you be able to actually find a product and send me the link? Just so I...
  3. bryanambition

    Got wrong hard drive for my iMac G3--is there any hope?

    As you can see by the attached image, I got the wrong type of hard drive for my iMac G3. I denoted which is old and which is new. Is there an adapter I can use to make the new one work? Or is it simply a different realm of hard drives altogether? Also--while we're on the topic--can you tell me...
  4. bryanambition

    Looking to upgrade my G3's hard drive to a bigger one and need some basic advice

    Thanks so much for the advice! I'll try the first option, as I only have one iMac G3-type computer. Fingers crossed it goes to plan! ;-)
  5. bryanambition

    Looking to upgrade my G3's hard drive to a bigger one and need some basic advice

    Awesome! And how would you recommend I partition the drive if need be? (Can I do it upon startup after installation?)
  6. bryanambition

    Looking to upgrade my G3's hard drive to a bigger one and need some basic advice

    Ah, sorry for leaving out such important info! It's an iMac G3 from 2001 (indigo, not DV edition). Knowing this, how would I confirm what ATA controller I have? (Sorry for so many questions--I'm a newbie but absorbing all the info I get!) ;-)
  7. bryanambition

    Looking to upgrade my G3's hard drive to a bigger one and need some basic advice

    Hey all--I'm planning to replace my current G3 10GB internal hard drive to a larger one. The best (and most affordable) one I found was 500GB, and from what I understand the G3 can only tolerate partitions up to 128GB. So my question is: can I just install the new HD as-is, and expect the system...
  8. bryanambition

    Difficulty Upgrading iMac G4 from Panther to Tiger

    Hey thanks so much for the reply! I actually sorted it out by trying a "better" brand of blank CDs. Someone on Reddit had suggested maybe it was the quality of the CDs, and because I'd done everything else the same before, I sprang for a new batch and sure enough it worked! ;-)
  9. bryanambition

    Difficulty Upgrading iMac G4 from Panther to Tiger

    Good question--I believe just CD, as that's how they're labelled on MacintoshGarden
  10. bryanambition

    Difficulty Upgrading iMac G4 from Panther to Tiger

    Hey all! Yesterday I had a triumph: I burned OS X Panther .toast files to CDs and managed to upgrade my G4 successfully. Yay! However, I tried doing the same with OS X Tiger CDs, and it won't work. At first the G4 refused to recognize the CD. Then I tried to restart holding down C, and although...
  11. bryanambition

    Cracked folder icon on grey screen--help!

    First off, thank you SO much for taking this time to help! I may be new, but I'm learning through my mistakes. Update: model number is M6498. I actually just pressed Option upon the boot and got the screen where I can choose just the Macintosh HD, however it goes to the grey screen with the...
  12. bryanambition

    Cracked folder icon on grey screen--help!

    Awesome--the only info I can get from the bottom (pic attached) is the serial number--does that help? Also, I tried restarting with Alt+Option but nothing happened--just went to the same old broken file screen. I don't have any other OS X CDs, however it looks like I may have to start scouting...
  13. bryanambition

    Cracked folder icon on grey screen--help!

    Hey there! To answer your question, I'm a noob and assumed since it's an older Mac that it would've supported 10.1. It seemed to be fine for the entire installation--no errors or anything. I also assume since the installation went OK, the disc worked, but here I am, stuck. I did manage to the...
  14. bryanambition

    Cracked folder icon on grey screen--help!

    I was running an iMac G4 with OS X 10.5.8 Leopard and, since it was slow, booted it up using an older OS X CD-ROM (10.1, I believe) to see if the older version would be faster. The installation seemed to go fine, however after it restarted, it stopped on the grey screen you see (attached image)...
  15. bryanambition

    Problems partitioning to install Sorbet Leopard

    Hey all--working on an iMac G4 and I'm trying to partition my HD in order to install Sorbet Leopard via MacintoshGarden's instructions ( Only thing is, I can't get the disk to partition. I get the "Partition Failed with the error: Filesystem...