Recent content by cjsebes

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. cjsebes

    Another 12-inch PowerBook G4

    I swear that these 12-inch PowerBooks are like stray kittens following me home. This is number three for me. There's a cool little surplus store in Kingston, New York that I like to hit any time I'm there. This time around, I found a 12-inch PowerBook G4 that needed a little TLC. With no power...
  2. cjsebes

    Latest score

    A couple of months ago, I managed to score a really nice 20" iMac G4. This completes my iMac G4 trifecta. I have two 17-inchers, and I really don't need two of them, so one will have to find a new home. I plan on opening up the 20" to swap out the hard drive for an SSD. I don't really have the...
  3. cjsebes

    MARCHintosh Projects?

    My first #MARCHintosh project was to dope-slap some new life into my 17" PowerBook G4. I picked up an IDE-to-M.2 adapter case and was able to successfully format a 64GB M.2 drive. I installed 10.5 (later upgraded to 10.5.8 through Software Update) and migrated everything over from my iMac G4...
  4. cjsebes

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    So after a bunch of... well... challenges... I've done what I should've done from the beginning, and used my Pismo to get files from old DDS3 tape backups. The Pismo was my first thought, because it has SCSI and USB built-in. But since I couldn't get it online to download Retrospect, I figured...
  5. cjsebes

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    I bought a used Mavica sometime in 2003 or 2004. My wife and I took a trip into Manhattan for our anniversary and I used that to take a few photos. They weren't bad, but carrying around a pocket full of floppy disks was a pain in the arse. The quality was good enough that I could get 4x6 prints...
  6. cjsebes

    Dumb thing to do with a Mac

    Back in 1997, I left New Jersey for a couple of years to attend college in Florida. Not to be one to let college studies get in the way of my sanity, my brain came up with an idea for a little projects I called the Mac Lamp. I found the gutted case of a compact Mac of some sort. I think I paid...
  7. cjsebes

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    Phungus, for AVI files, give one of these a shot. Perian: Flip4Mac
  8. cjsebes

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    It’s alive! 4GB SCSI hard drive sounds great. DDS tape backup is connected and recognized. Downloaded Retrospect from Macintosh Garden over my fiber connection, albeit at only about 180k/sec. But it’s working beautifully. I’m trying to make a video about it. Should put anyone to sleep.
  9. cjsebes

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    I think I've found a worthy project for the PowerPC Challenge. Earlier this year, I picked up a 9600/350 at a Mac repair facility here in New Jersey that was downsizing. They were getting rid of much of their display pieces. and I wasn't going to pass up this gorgeous machine for $60. It even...
  10. cjsebes

    2014 (7,1) Mac Mini... no internal speaker audio

    I know this is a late reply for this pots, but I've seen this issue with MacBook Pros. I don't remember what the remedy was, but maybe looking up MacBook Pros and no audio might lead you in the right direction. Other than reinstalling the OS or booting into some flavor of Linux to make sure...
  11. cjsebes

    Spicy Pillows

    Considering that this is a 10-year-old laptop and has now been relegated to always being plugged in, it doesn't surprise me that the battery poofed up like this. I was going to just retire the computer, but Greg Hrutkay suggested throwing Open Core on here to disable the throttling due to no...
  12. cjsebes

    Shady eBay seller laptop-better-battery

    Yea, as much as I don't like losing any amount of money, I've had worse. It's more of the disrespect from the seller that bugs me. It's a shame that people can be such jerks. But it's not going to make my life any better to dwell on it, so... moving on.
  13. cjsebes

    Shady eBay seller laptop-better-battery

    It's not worth my time and effort to set up another account, enter my bank information, place the order, hope it works, and return the bad battery. I'd rather eat the $30 and let everyone else know what a scam that company is. They don't honor their warranty, they don't respond to requests for...
  14. cjsebes

    Shady eBay seller laptop-better-battery

    The a-holes blocked me from buying any more from them.
  15. cjsebes

    Spicy Pillows

    My broken-display 2013 13-inch MacBook Pro that I use as a media streamer had its fans screaming. While investigating what the problem was, I noticed that the keys were getting squished against the display as I closed the lid. Well, there's yer problem!