Recent content by craig

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded

    Hi, sorry I've not been on the forum for a while due to loads of outdoors DIY projects. I believe that @Bolle did indeed fix the serial port issue almost immediately after I reported it and I think he also fixed an issue with SIMM socket mounting holes around the same time. I'll see if I can...
  2. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    Hi. I got mine from here.
  3. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    Thanks for clarifying Kai, every day is a school day! ;) 2.8 billion pixels - yeah that is quite large! 🤯
  4. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    @Kai Robinson so is this the GLU chip for the SE you're talking about, or the SE/30? Or are they functionally the same? Or am I equating "GLU" and "Glue" incorrectly? I was assuming the GLU chip is the SE/30 UI8 84 pin PLCC chip but I'm beginning to suspect I have misunderstood you.
  5. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    Where can I find details of this Kai? I had a look around in the usual places but only found your own reverse engineering of the SE GLU chip.
  6. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    @Mikeosoft looking at the area around the ADB chip, it looks to me as if the PCB layers have delaminated a bit, probably due to the previous owner using excess heat when removing the chip. This might cause some issues with the vias between layers so might be worth checking continuity of the vias...
  7. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    Well, you could argue that any time I might have spent troubleshooting was spent instead taking great care during the recovery of donor parts and soldering the new board together! ;) Joking aside, although I'm a firm believer in people having a go at things that are somewhat outside their...
  8. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    It wasn't so much that I couldn't reuse some of the components and ports, instead I was quite keen to renew as many components as possible, especially parts that were cheap and readily sourced. So starting with ports, I think I only reused the 14-pin Molex power/video connector and the 64-pin...
  9. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    Hi, thanks - it is indeed a machine worth saving! I didn't track time spent on repairing the old board but it was certainly many many hours. If I had to guess I'd say 20+ My strategy was initially to clean the board thoroughly to arrest any ongoing corrosion and then do some visual inspection...
  10. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    Haha, don't worry about it Kai, I know you had a lot on your plate with work and then covid. I hope you are feeling much better now and rest assured it was your kind offer of assistance which inspired me to "reload" my SE/30! Getting boards is surprisingly easy given the excellent work from...
  11. craig

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    Hi all, I just wanted to share a few photos of my completed SE/30 rebuild which is now working perfectly thanks to Bolle and a number of others in the vintage Macintosh community. Now I just need to figure out what to use it for! 😅 I've included a photo of the original board which was very...
  12. craig

    Snooper serial loopback plug

    Sorry for the delay in replying but I'm happy to say I got my printer port working. The cause of the problem was a PCB routing error on the Bolle SE/30 Reloaded PCB (Rev02) which Bolle has now fixed in the latest board files (Rev03+) on his GitHub site. The pins involved should have been as...
  13. craig

    Snooper serial loopback plug

    Hi Bruce, thanks for figuring out the loopback connections. Just wondering if this same pinout also works for your printer port? When I do this on my printer port it is happy with the handshake lines but fails on the data lines. On the modem port it work perfectly. Thanks.
  14. craig

    Soldering temperature

    My FX-888D is set to 370C almost all of the time except for ground plane work where I run it at 420C. I've only recently bought a hot air station so will try to use hot air to assist by preheating the ground planes in future. I like the thin conical tips for fine work but use a bevel or chisel...