Recent content by CrazyTechReviews

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. CrazyTechReviews

    Solicitation to be considered for the TinkerDifferent Board of Directors

    Hello and thank you for taking your time to read my message. My name is Logan and I have been a member of the vintage mac community for several years, really enjoy tinkering and learning about these machines, and love to benefit the community surrounding them in any way I can. I've been...
  2. CrazyTechReviews

    possible mobile phone app?

    Not sure if anyone has discussed this previously, but an app for the platform could be a very beneficial feature, of course considering whether or not it would be practical to do so or not. Either way I figured I'd at least suggest it and see what people think.
  3. CrazyTechReviews

    An Archive/Resource area

    A dedicated area on the site to post things such as pinouts, schematics, capacitor guides, service documentation, etc.
  4. CrazyTechReviews

    New BlueSCSI PDS Card slot bracket for Macintosh SE and SE/30

    I actually didn't have any issues with the cable in my Macintosh SE and found it to be long enough to reach, most likely they changed the cable length between the SE and SE/30, or maybe the previous user of your particular unit replaced the cable at some point. Interesting...
  5. CrazyTechReviews

    Rev A. Mac Classic CRT deflection coil on a Rev. B board?

    Is it possible to use an older style CRT Deflection coil with a newer Rev B analog board like what you would find in a later mac classic or classic II?
  6. CrazyTechReviews

    Beginners Guide to Collecting Vintage Compact Macs - Ft. The iAppleGuy, And Enzo NoLastName

    This is pretty old at this point, but I figured I'd go ahead and share with you all a video I made a while back about getting into vintage compact macs and some of the issues they can have.
  7. CrazyTechReviews

    New BlueSCSI PDS Card slot bracket for Macintosh SE and SE/30

    Yes, actually I originally planned to upload it there rather than Google Drive. Unfortunately though I forgot my credentials for my Thingiverse account, so I'll have to get back into my account before I can continue with that
  8. CrazyTechReviews

    New BlueSCSI PDS Card slot bracket for Macintosh SE and SE/30

    I'm sure it's possible. I'm not too knowledgeable on the RGB2HDMI device, but I'd assume you'd probably be able to modify the right side of the mounting plate next to the BlueSCSI tray to mount a panel mount HDMI port on it if you wanted too.
  9. CrazyTechReviews

    New BlueSCSI PDS Card slot bracket for Macintosh SE and SE/30

    Thanks so much for putting this information here! Very helpful for anyone looking to print this themselves!
  10. CrazyTechReviews

    New BlueSCSI PDS Card slot bracket for Macintosh SE and SE/30

    I recently embarked on creating a custom 3d printed mount that would allow me to mount my BlueSCSI device inside of a Macintosh SE's PDS Card slot! Now this might seem pretty strange, but there are actually several benefits to using the PDS Expansion slot to mount the BlueSCSI in. For one, it...