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  1. D

    Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack)

    Thanks for getting the 2.0 Update have followed your instructions and have made the changes to my unit it all appears to be working well i modified it to 16222 exported flashed and the 2.0 version is working .. Thanks man for all your help and work , especially in getting the 2.0 firmware ...
  2. D

    Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack)

    The original 1.0 firmware you have here works perfectly fine on my previous 2.0 machine.
  3. D

    Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack) the one from the link above (The stock original firmware for v1.0 can be found here. The highest bitrate firmware for v1.0, 16240, can be found here) this one is the one i have had problems with, it wont record and causes issues turning off...
  4. D

    Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack)

    I applied this to my reelz and the filename got stuck at filename 11 and would not write anythign to the SD card. So i had to apply the original back to the machine. Did anyone else come across this ?