Recent content by DevyDevly

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. DevyDevly

    Current project: trying to revive a dead Macintosh IIci.

    Current project: trying to revive a dead Macintosh IIci.
  2. DevyDevly

    Macintosh IIci 5V to GND resistance?

    Many thanks Max! It’s definitely thrown me too.
  3. DevyDevly

    Macintosh IIci 5V to GND resistance?

    Many thanks Eric! Looks like I can eliminate this as a source of problems.
  4. DevyDevly

    Macintosh IIci 5V to GND resistance?

    Hi, Can I ask a favour please? Can someone with a working IIci please measure the resistance of their 5V rails to GND (e.g. the positive side of C14 to Ground). I'm trying to fix up a IIci but not sure whether the 16-20ohms I'm getting is normal for the IIci - I've seen a few posts online, but...