Truth be told I don't know how it works - it isn't my tool at the end of the day!
Regardless, I will say it works very well - and it has been able to dump the CUDA lite from a 4400, which as MMU Man mentioned in his excellent excel sheet, is an E5 rather than an E1 - so it can access the...
Hey how was I supposed to ask if I didn't know it existed!
I'm okay with the idea of flashing an EEPROM whenever I need to flash a new EGRET or CUDA, I'm only ever likely to need to flash a new 68hc705e1 once in a blue moon - so flashing the AT28C64 with a Ti866 and then installing it into...
What is the other variant? I'm only aware of the EGRET/CUDA (68HC705e1) and the CUDA Lite (68HC705e5).
I'm more than happy to build two other programmers!
Hey all!
I was poked by @Kai Robinson and @bakkus to do a bit more of a write up/explanation of what the hell I managed to do! [Wow I rambled for a bit]
Bottom line is - we are able to make new CUDAs and EGRETs using 68HC705e1s.
I'm lead to believe in the vast majority of the cases the CUDA...
That is amazing news!!
Really hoping that error logic issue is something simple - at least it's not getting in the way of booting LOS.
Now all that's left is to test the ram card and you've got a complete stack Lisa stack!
Heh I would worry too much about the schematics and designs being a mess - so long as they're functional it doesn't matter! You can always clean them up later.
The COP would be neat to reverse engineer, but I think there are enough ROMless version of the COP (and the soviet clones!) It's not a...
Wow. Just... Wow! That is more or less exactly the same objectives I was planning to complete. You even cloned the SunRem 2mb RAM card!!
Even the idea of replacing the power supply with an ATX PSU - I guess great minds do think alike!
I suppose in a way that my end goal is marginally...
Impressive work! Have the current schematics/gerbers been uploaded to github yet?
I'm still a bit in awe that I started this exact same project, and I've only just found out I've been beaten to it!