Recent content by Freshestcream

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Freshestcream

    Performa 6320CD power supply capacitor list

    Hey all. Recently I recapped and repaired the PSU for my Performa 6320CD because it was smelling pretty fishy when I powered it on. Here are the values of the caps in the PSU. Location Value C3 390uf 400v C12 470uf 10v C24 220uf 35v C19, C10 1000uf 16v C18 1000uf 35v C26, C21...
  2. Freshestcream

    VCF Midwest September, 10-11 2022

    Dang, that's a good idea. I do own a couple Mavicas... 🤔
  3. Freshestcream

    VCF Midwest September, 10-11 2022

    So far I've only dumped photos on my PPC 7300/400 but the software works on anything with a 68020 or higher if I remember correctly. I may have to bring a compact mac to the fest unload the pics.. or get my G3 Wallstreet working.
  4. Freshestcream

    VCF Midwest September, 10-11 2022

    I've been looking forward to going since the last one ended. This time I'll be snapping pics with my Quicktake 150. 📸
  5. Freshestcream

    How To Test Macintosh IIsi Logic Board

    Dang. Sounds like a power supply issue indeed. Maybe check out the board closely for shorts? That's about all I can suggest.
  6. Freshestcream

    How To Test Macintosh IIsi Logic Board

    Unfortunately, the IIsi is notorious for leaky caps. The scary noises you heard were probably from caps past their prime. The IIsi i own I completely recapped but still crashes at boot. Might be a Ram issue. Hope yours treats you better than mine. 🤝
  7. Freshestcream

    My Mac-quisitions this week. I offered the seller of the Performa 636CD a hundred dollars for...

    My Mac-quisitions this week. I offered the seller of the Performa 636CD a hundred dollars for it, he agreed, and when we met he was including the eMac in the deal too! The Power Mac 5260/100 was offered on Craigslist for free because he was cleaning out his mom's house. I love spring cleaning!
  8. Freshestcream

    Just an old box that once contained 5 IIe cards for a Mac LC. The info on the label is outdated...

    Just an old box that once contained 5 IIe cards for a Mac LC. The info on the label is outdated so no one is getting doxxed.
  9. Freshestcream

    ADB keyboard left plug problems

    Hopefully popping it open sheds some light on the problem. I repaired one of these keyboards that had been water damaged. The ADB port daughter boards had many broken traces. Now that its repaired it's one of my favorite keyboards. Love that mechanical feel.
  10. Freshestcream

    Latest pickup. This IIsi is filthy and stinky but at least it's not battery bombed![ATTACH]

    Latest pickup. This IIsi is filthy and stinky but at least it's not battery bombed!
  11. Freshestcream

    Apple //c connect to RS232 Wifi modem

    I've reset it to the default 300 baud and it still doesn't initialize the modem. My best guess is I made the cable wrong or don't know how to use the software correctly. Anyone have a pinout to a modem cable? I can only find the pinout to a null modem from the ADTpro site.
  12. Freshestcream

    Apple //c connect to RS232 Wifi modem

    Hey folks, Today I've been trying to connect my //c to the net using the RS232 wifi modem from the old net and Proterm 3.1. I built a cable that should allow communication. However, Proterm is unable to init the modem no matter which Hayes modem I select from the list. Are there additional...
  13. Freshestcream

    G3 Server Processor upgrade

    Hey folks. I recently acquired a beige G3 Server 300 mHz. While opening it up to remove the battery and clean it up I noticed the processor is in a zif socket and it was they same processor type as a G4 450mHz I had lying around. I popped the 450 into the socket and it booted up but when I went...
  14. Freshestcream

    ENDED *Christmas Photo Contest!*

    Merry Christmas! This photo wouldn't have been possible without the ideas, assistance and support of my lovely girlfriend. 💚 Sally is on a Macintosh Plus booting 6.0.8 off a FloppyEmu. Pigpen is on a 512k booting System 6.0.8 off disk. Marcy is on an SE booting System 6.0.8 off disk. Lucy is...