Recent content by joopmac

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  1. J

    BlueSCSI v2: Sluggish Performance on SE/30

    Curious if if will work for you also, James I tried it on arm64/Apple Silicon =)
  2. J

    BlueSCSI v2: Sluggish Performance on SE/30

    Should be fine – i did not enter the command " defaults write DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true" though Might be benificial though - would be most effective when done before the formatting, then the .ds_store will never be made =) I think it's most important that its...
  3. J

    BlueSCSI v2: Sluggish Performance on SE/30

    Hello James! Hello all tinkerers:) Slow performance due to fragmentation seems to be caused by files written by Spotlight Erasing the SD, removing all the invisible files and then adding the SD Card to “Spotlight privacy” list, Then copying the files one by one gives perfect results No log...
  4. J

    BlueSCSI v2: Sluggish Performance on SE/30

    My friend has found the fix, Will test with some extra sd cards but it looks promising