Recent content by Kai Robinson

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Kai Robinson

    MARCHintosh 2025 Projects

  2. Kai Robinson

    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    Either wait for a group buy or make your own using a service like jlcpcb - not sure if anyone is selling individual boards.
  3. Kai Robinson

    Choosier 1.01b2?

    Just a heads up - no need to create multiple replies - unlike other forums, you can edit your posts here at any time, saves on clutter.
  4. Kai Robinson

    Yet another battery bombed SE/30

    There are SE/30 Reloaded boards in the wild! I know someone here was selling some as part of a small run, too.
  5. Kai Robinson

    68kmla lockout

    While we have some members that might frequent it - we have no affiliation with that forum.
  6. Kai Robinson

    Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack)

    For things like firmware, please, by all means use the resources section to store them.
  7. Kai Robinson

    Massive Haul Video is UP!!

    Looks like we can't watch embedded video :/
  8. Kai Robinson

    Thanks to @Stinkerton18 I have an InWin A500 case on the way - woohoo!

    Thanks to @Stinkerton18 I have an InWin A500 case on the way - woohoo!
  9. Kai Robinson

    Massive (filthy) find in South Carolina

    Correct, it was indeed @Bolle - i must have misattributed it - i know Max did the LC/LCII & LCIII, so it probably got stuck in my head.
  10. Kai Robinson

    Massive (filthy) find in South Carolina

    Remember, @Bolle has made the Reloaded boards for the 475, so there's hope for those custom chips.
  11. Kai Robinson

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    What's the Sad Mac error you're getting?
  12. Kai Robinson

    2025 PowerPC Challenge

    I like that little 3d printed tray for cf cards, very nice!
  13. Kai Robinson

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair sells them pretty cheaply.
  14. Kai Robinson

    "Brand New" USB Translucent Zip Drive Error

    Datasheet for that IC: Available here: