Recent content by KingDingus

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. KingDingus

    Any interest in NEW Repro Lombard / Pismo battery packs?

    I'm certainly interested in a PRAM battery if someone is comfortable producing those.
  2. KingDingus

    Pismo video out to HDMI?

    Any recommendations for getting video out of my Pismo to a newer gaming monitor? Not sure what reasonable options are available out there. I see my local MicroCenter has S video to HDMI but the device is 130 dollars. Thank you,
  3. KingDingus

    Hello, TinkerDifferent!

    Fantastic, welcome aboard.
  4. KingDingus

    iBook Clamshell - Only Detecting 64MB of 512MB RAM Stick?

    I'm about to order another stick for Pismo from OWC soon. Seems to be contributing to machine randomly freezing.
  5. KingDingus

    Pismo screen

    If that panel becomes available, I'm interested in getting one.
  6. KingDingus

    iMac G4 Appreciation Thread

    Love the packaging!
  7. KingDingus

    iMac G4 Appreciation Thread

    Good news! I recovered all my stuff from the wrecking yard and they saved it for me.
  8. KingDingus

    iMac G4 Appreciation Thread

    Grabbed another one and destroyed my car and possibly my neck in the process. Going to the tow yard tomorrow to retrieve the contents of my car and the computer. Thankfully, everyone in our car is okay.
  9. KingDingus

    iBook Clamshell - Only Detecting 64MB of 512MB RAM Stick?

    I received bad RAM from OWC but didn’t initiate a return because the time and effort wasn’t worth it. Ordered a new stick and it worked fine. Not sure if that helps, but it’s certainly possible you got a bad stick.
  10. KingDingus

    2023 PowerPC Challenge!

    My PowerPC project this year will be to create a network of machines to run some StarCraft and Diablo games. I’ll post later with updates and thoughts. Computers on gaming network: Mac Mini G4 PowerMac G5 iMac G4 iBook G4
  11. KingDingus

    iMac G4 Appreciation Thread

    iMac G4 Model 4.2 800 Mhz 1 GB RAM 120 GB SSD Leopard Sorbet 10.12.14 macOS Sierra mask Absolutely love this machine and form factor. It’s not quite as unique as the cube, but it is certainly a marvel of Steve Jobs era engineering.
  12. KingDingus


  13. KingDingus

    PowerMac G4 MDD Power Supply

    Love my MDD and very bummed the power supply suddenly died with no warning. Thanks!
  14. KingDingus

    SE/30 Chassis Painting

    When doing a full restoration, is painting the chassis recommended? I have been worried painting would somehow make proper grounding difficult. Thanks.