Recent content by MacintoshLibrarian

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. MacintoshLibrarian

    BlueSCSI Toolbox - NeXT Edition

    this is amazing work !
  2. MacintoshLibrarian

    VCFMW 2024 - September 7-8

    That would be awesome @MacEffects ! Do you mind if I take you up on that offer?
  3. MacintoshLibrarian

    Quadra 700 and Apple Two Page Display - VRAM Issue?

    Thanks for the suggestion - I just used deoxit and cleaned it :) Unfortunately it still has the same issue. :(
  4. MacintoshLibrarian

    Quadra 700 and Apple Two Page Display - VRAM Issue?

    Hi Everybody! I just upgraded my VRAM in my Quadra 700 with 6 x 256 kB of VRAM (100ns) from SiliconInsider on Tindie. I am seeing graphical glitches when running my Apple Two Page Display off of the built-in video port on my Quadra 700. I am able to run at 16 shades of grey and below just...
  5. MacintoshLibrarian

    Q700 Missing HDD activity LED

    I just had my Quadra opened and it was 100% a red LED. However Amber looks a lot nicer!
  6. MacintoshLibrarian

    VCFMW 2024 - September 7-8

    I am excited to meet all of you! I will be booth-free and walking around exploring the con with Maccy!
  7. MacintoshLibrarian

    Running an SE/30 solely on a Pico PSU? (no OEM PSU / analog board)

    OMG! I love this project idea :O I have wanted to use a real CRT with a raspberry pi... for reasons >_> and you went and did it! that is amazine. Thanks for the tip!
  8. MacintoshLibrarian

    Running an SE/30 solely on a Pico PSU? (no OEM PSU / analog board)

    Howdy! Pardon my ignorance, but I am trying to figure out if it is possible to power an SE/30 logic board completely separate from any analog board. I know that there are projects out there to integrate a Pico PSU into the SE analog board, but what about direct connection to the logic board...
  9. MacintoshLibrarian

    Floppy Gears

    You make me want a resin printer!
  10. MacintoshLibrarian

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    thanks for the notification :) i got a few spools!
  11. MacintoshLibrarian

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    Here are the photos of the PolyTerra Muted White Filament hex #Bfbcb1. I printed out a bunch of little Apple IIe's and placed them next to a bunch of platinum mac stuff. This color matches most of the Apple platinum components such as the the mice and the floppy drive very well. The biggest...
  12. MacintoshLibrarian

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    Oh yeah, and this is only $20 USD :O
  13. MacintoshLibrarian

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    Here are some photos to prove its color worthy-ness. I will print off a few samples overnight and take photos in different color temps
  14. MacintoshLibrarian

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    So guys! Polyterra has made the biege fillament and posted it on amazon !! They didnt tell me about it, but it is the same hex code that I requested (and the same code that Joe posted #Bfbcb1
  15. MacintoshLibrarian

    How Does the LC575 / Color Classic Resolution Mod Work?

    I was wondering if anyone knew how exactly the Color Classic 575 logic board resistor swap trick works? This allows the 575 board work on a 512x384 stock Color Classic Monitor. Method in question: Are we letting the 575 board know that we are connected to a...