Recent content by MacMaverick855

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  1. MacMaverick855

    2023 PowerPC Challenge!

    Ya, but I have no patience. Today I tried to install Adelie 1.0-RC2 using only the repositories on the CD, avoiding loading RC3 packages. As I installed it, I saw that the kernel being loaded was the same one used to boot the live CD, which has been the driving force to get it loaded. I just...
  2. MacMaverick855

    2023 PowerPC Challenge!

    Ya, I’m all over the place. I found out today from the Adelie IRC, that RC2 is no longer supported. Basically they aren’t answering or troubleshooting any RC2 issues anymore and focusing on getting RC3 out. Time will tell if RC3 works on this (my G5) machine. The Adelie admin did indicate that...
  3. MacMaverick855

    2023 PowerPC Challenge!

    Success! Sort of…After adjusting some of the instructions for installing Adelie manually, I have been able to log into a plasma desktop on my ppc64 Mac G5 (Power 7,3) via sddm. Upon log in, there were no apps, no other usable places to go or check system status. I went into tty2 and added KDE...
  4. MacMaverick855

    2022 PowerPC Challenge!

    I am struggling trying to get Adelie 1.0-RC2 onto my ppc64 2.0Ghz G5. I’m trying to load it onto it’s own hd, and have used manual installation guidance from a number of sources and forums. I’m pretty sure it get’s installed properly but when I get to the sddm log in screen, I enter my password...
  5. MacMaverick855

    2023 PowerPC Challenge!

    @wicknix, @PowerPCFan! In my search for more resources to help in my pursuit to get Adelie 1.0-RC2 loaded on my ppc64 G5, I stumbled into this forum. I have a unique situation with booting Linux on this machine. I’m too cheap (right now) to go by DVD-Rs and have some Adelie distros on CDs...