Recent content by max1zzz

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. M

    FS: Radius Rocket Clone "Prototypes"

    That was already my plan :) For my personal IIfx build i'm working on I want a internally mounted SCSI drive for the rocket so I was always planning on adding a internal socket The SCSI booster I have for cloning is compatible with both the GAL and ASIC based stage 1 rockets, Both the GAL and...
  2. M

    Macintosh IIci 5V to GND resistance?

    Though I don't have a board to hand to measure a exact value I can also confirm sub 20ohms between 5V and GND is totally normal on the IIci. This threw me the first time I saw this but I have verified it against multiple boards and it's totally normal
  3. M

    FS: Radius Rocket Clone "Prototypes"

    You would think that, and that was my first idea however the way the rocket is designed it actually isn't. 72pin simms need 2 RAS signals (one per rank) and the rocket only generates one for all 8 30 pin simms which means only single rank simms would work, this isn't the end of the world however...
  4. M

    FS: Radius Rocket Clone "Prototypes"

    That's because it was a secret project...... :) Nah it's only because I find writing project threads quite tiring so tend not to do it these days, I did post some status updates both on here and 68k with pictures of the board while it was in progress I believe that is correct, at least I...
  5. M

    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    Personally I hand solder them, drag soldering the QFP's and soldering the PLCC's pin by pin. My experience is that trying to use a stencil and past generally creates more problems than it fixes I'm not sure where you would find generic stencils but if you want to go that route you could always...
  6. M

    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    For 5V all slots are just connected directly to the internal 5V plane in the PCB, there is no kind of current monitoring / limiting at all so you should be good to exceed the "rated" current if your PSU is capable of that. The only thing I would really be concerned about is what the current...
  7. M

    Just a few traces [ATTACH]

    Just a few traces
  8. M

    Reverse Engineering the Macintosh IIcx Logicboard

    Good question! The short answer is usually you don't, the IIcx is only a 4 layer board with the signals on the outside and power planes in the middle so you only really need to trace the outer layers, the power planes can just be traced out with a multimeter without too much work. Splits in the...
  9. M

    Thanks :) Your board is the newer and more common version that uses the custom ASIC, this one is...

    Thanks :) Your board is the newer and more common version that uses the custom ASIC, this one is the original model which uses lots of GAL's to do the same thing, as far as I am aware they are functionally identical otherwise
  10. M

    A new project.... [ATTACH]

    A new project....
  11. M

    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    Gerbers and schematic are now on GitHub As with my other designs these are provided under a non-commercial licence but if you are a repairer and want to offer transplant services (or have any other commercial use in mind) please contact me...
  12. M

    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    Boards have arrived and been tested! These have a couple of modifications you may be able top see: There is now a ATX connector behind the NuBus slots for people who wish to replace the original PSU, just keep in mind this will prevent most full length NuBus cards being installed in the left...
  13. M

    More new shiny things: [ATTACH]

    More new shiny things:
  14. M

    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    Boards are on order! I have ordered 30 boards, all with the bottom side birdseed populated. Boards are purple with a ENIG finish The good news is that although the order as a hole was pretty expensive the per board cost is actually lower than I expected so it's looking like the final price will...
  15. M

    Revisions done, will give it one final once over tomorrow evening then send it to JLC :) [ATTACH]

    Revisions done, will give it one final once over tomorrow evening then send it to JLC :)