Recent content by Megaboz

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  1. Megaboz

    MBP (Early '08) RAM Upgrade

    Yep, did both, and that had no effect on the laptop booting. Ah, thanks for that link. I didn't suspect it was a RAM frequency issue given that System Profile reports both of the 2GB sticks running at 667mhz. Still, that discussion thread matches exactly with my experience. I guess I'll be...
  2. Megaboz

    MBP (Early '08) RAM Upgrade

    I'm in the process of upgrading the innards of an early 2008 15" MacBook Pro (4,1). I bought a couple of 2GB sticks from OWC, but have run into trouble with the new RAM. The laptop refuses to boot with both 2GB sticks installed -- the power light comes on, the optical drive revs up, but no...
  3. Megaboz

    BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

    The micro SD card lacks a lock as far as I can tell -- even if it has one, I've been copying files back and forth on it during troubleshooting so it can't be in write-only mode. Here's a screenshot of the card's root (not much to see since there's just the .hda on it): Aaaaaand with...
  4. Megaboz

    BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

    Honestly, I have no idea where log files are supposed to be located. If they're supposed to be visible on the SD card, the only thing I see when I plug it into my MacBook Pro is the .hda file, nothing else. If they're supposed to be written to the BlueSCSI, I didn't see a log file after...
  5. Megaboz

    BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

    Alright, I managed to find a data-friendly micro-USB cable and updated the firmware to v2024.02.22. I followed the docs for the USB install method. The board mounted on the desktop just fine, when I dropped the .uf2 file on the board it ejected as described, but the RPi LED adjacent to the USB...
  6. Megaboz

    BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

    Thanks to all of you for replying. Along with the Performa 6360, I also have a fully functional Mac SE (dual floppy) I used for testing -- I've never gotten the SE to boot off the BlueSCSI, either. It took me a while to run through everyone's suggestions (my vintage collection is at my...
  7. Megaboz

    BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

    I recently inherited what appears to be a fully functional Performa 6360, and am trying to replace the internal hard drive with an external v2 BlueSCSI. I'm a first-time BlueSCSI owner, so I'm hoping I'm just making a n00b mistake with the configuration, but the 6360 refuses to boot from the...