Recent content by mmu_man

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. mmu_man

    MARCHintosh 2025 Projects

    What about ? :D
  2. mmu_man

    Macintosh G4 Cube LED strip lighting base

    On a request by @XodiumLabs I made this little base to light up your G4 Cube. You can find photos on Xodium's Cube thread. The files are on Thingiverse, and on MS GitHub. You can adjust the height and thickness on the OpenSCAD model.
  3. mmu_man

    FOSDEM 2025 (Feb 1-2, Brussels, EU) - Retrocomputing Devroom - Call for papers ≤ 12-01

    Like last year there will be a retro devroom, the CfP is here.
  4. mmu_man

    LCIII C22 polarity

    I also noticed that after taking care of my LC-III, on the next one I noticed that and went back to fix it. It seems people "discovered" that just now again. 🤷‍♂️
  5. mmu_man

    FOSDEM RetroComputing devroom, Brussels 2025-02-02 - CfP (deadline 2024-12-01)

    In case you missed it, the FOSDEM RetroComputing devroom CfP is out. Deadline is December 1st. It will take place in Brussels on February 2nd.
  6. mmu_man

    Recreating the Mac's CUDA / EGRET microcontroller chips - can it be done?

    Indeed, that's what egretrom does (it's linked to from the thread's first post and the image contains source code): thePB.pbCmd = 0x2; /* read 6805 memory */
  7. mmu_man

    Recreating the Mac's CUDA / EGRET microcontroller chips - can it be done?

    Actually it seems I posted it on this same thread in 2023 😅 Thanks :)
  8. mmu_man

    Recreating the Mac's CUDA / EGRET microcontroller chips - can it be done?

    When I say I'm on it… I'm on it. I spent nights digging the schematics and comparing pinouts, and producing that spreadsheet, but you didn't ask :p I also patched radare2 to fix support for 6805 disassembly so I could reverse the other dumps, but haven't finished yet. Fixing tools takes so...
  9. mmu_man

    Recreating the Mac's CUDA / EGRET microcontroller chips - can it be done?

    It's not the only one that might work. I've been on that for 3 years :p Which is why I didn't go the simple programmer route because they all have their own variant and I didn't want to make 3 different boards. I have a prototype programmer already but the software is not yet working.
  10. mmu_man

    Recreating the Mac's CUDA / EGRET microcontroller chips - can it be done?

    Well, it's not that old… incidentally someone prodded me into looking at it again this week-end, so…
  11. mmu_man

    Setting up webshop? (France/EU)

    I'm starting to have some stuff to sell… Joe told me Tindie had some issues (like, not allowing different items per order!?), anyone experienced that? I'm already behind on sysadmin for other servers, I'd rather not have to maintain my own shop…
  12. mmu_man

    Rubber pads without 3D printing

    Last changes on these, I think we can ship! Wait, I don't have a shop yet 😅 Protos from left to right, original on the right.
  13. mmu_man

    Rubber pads without 3D printing

    Nice result!
  14. mmu_man

    Rubber pads without 3D printing

    Hmm yeah, I suppose for more complex or visible parts that'd be something to try. But they you'd need to add the adhesive layer, so cut it anyway. Btw, the round ones if they are what I think they are, you can find them quite cheap already on ali.
  15. mmu_man

    Rubber pads without 3D printing

    Updated last prototype, I think it's close enough. Though sanding makes it clearer so not really better looking.