Recent content by OneGeekArmy

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. OneGeekArmy

    LCIII (3) BlueSCSI strange behaviour

    That's interesting. I'll see if I can strip extended attributes altogether (I don't need them on the disk images DJ creates). I don't know whether I can instruct macOS to not create them afterwards, though. I'll take a look.
  2. OneGeekArmy - Browse resource forks online!

    Sorry @JDW, I just saw your post. Thanks for the kind words as always :) Strange you're seeing empty contents for the txt and USDZ formats. I'll take a look in a bit (a couple of neat things need finishing up first).
  3. OneGeekArmy

    Help me figure out how to sign a macOS app

    Hi! I'm currently away from the computer and in the middle of nowhere in Normandy (I'm basking in the glory of an anemic 3G network right now) but I'll be back next week and we can take a look at it then if you want (and if the answer above didn't help). The gatekeeper stuff is all a bit of a...
  4. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey v3 for macOS is out!

    Type / Creator support is indeed a little anemic right now and will be the focus of an upcoming update. People who work on actual, very serious software archiving have been getting in touch with me because DJ is actually useful in their work (if you can believe it). Part of what they'd like to...
  5. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey v3 for macOS is out!

    NDIF is a tough egg to crack. The compression is part of the issue, but the lack of documentation is a bigger one as far as I am concerned. There's a lot of "feeling things in the dark" experimentation involved. Right now, my path is to start further down the timeline of image formats, with...
  6. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey v3 for macOS is out!

    Thank you! The continued enthusiasm of the community for my little project is the main driver of my work on DJ. 🤗
  7. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey v3 for macOS is out!

    I absolutely do NOT see this as a complaint. It's a perfectly legitimate question :) djjr is a good alternative. It can create new images: blanks (like dd does) or Mac devices with a SCSI driver and everything. If you only specify the SCSI ID you want, it will automatically generate a proper...
  8. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey v3 for macOS is out!

    Sorry to say but it's not my priority right now. Windows is the "OS from work" for me and I don't find developing for it very fun at all. I made the Windows version because I love you all, but it wasn't a very enriching experience for me (sorry). DJ for Windows is mostly about creating disk...
  9. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey v3 for macOS is out!

    v3.4 is out! See at the top of the thread!
  10. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey Jr 2.0.0, now on Linux!

    What a very intriguing prospect! I'll try to get something set up. Not sure a lot of folks are cross-compiling Swift to Power9 yet, so I might need to do a little weed-whacking beforehand :)
  11. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey Jr 2.0.0, now on Linux!

    That's even weirder! It looks like the Partition Map is not even listed as one of the partitions (although it should, per Apple's spec). I wonder how that works at all :) Initiator Mode on BlueSCSI sure is digging up some interesting stuff!
  12. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey Jr 2.0.0, now on Linux!

    I see! Interesting nonetheless :)
  13. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey Jr 2.0.0, now on Linux!

    I'm not planning on releasing code at this point but I'll definitely keep you in mind. Sorry you couldn't join in the fun this time around :/
  14. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey Jr 2.0.0, now on Linux!

    That's an interesting SCSI driver signature ("Macintosh_SL"). Do you know how your disk was formatted?
  15. OneGeekArmy

    Disk Jockey Jr 2.0.0, now on Linux!

    I do have a Power Mac G5 kicking around. I'll try installing Fedora on it and see if I can compile the Swift environment and then my code on it. No promises, though :)