Amateur telescope builder, 3D printing, CNC router, woodworking, micro-soldering, new to collecting vintage Macs, Hacintosher.
//e, //c, Classic II, 3x TV G1, TV G2, TV G3, Centris 650, PB 190cs, PM 7100/66, 2x PB 3400c, iMac G3 Strawberry, 3x iBook G3, iBookG4, PB G4 12, PB G4 15, PB G4 15 DLSD, 2xPM1.1 B&W, 2xPM3.1 Sawtooth, PM3.5 QS, PM3.6 MDD, PM4.5 G4 17, PM6.1 G4 15, G4 Cube 1.2GHz, G4 MacMini, PM7.3 G5, PM11.2 G5, MacPro: 2x1.1 1x2.1 2x3.1, a dozen iMac12.2, MacBook Air, MacBook5.2, several Hackintosh's (including 3D printed fully functional NUC-based miniatures)
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