Recent content by SasquatcherGeneral

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  1. SasquatcherGeneral

    BlueSCSI and System Switcher basic question

    Thanks again to everyone for the tips! It's kind of funny: for years, I've been dismissive of just running an emulator, since it doesn't feel the same as running a classic Mac. But now that I've got a classic Mac and have been running Basilisk to set up SD cards, I'm really appreciating how much...
  2. SasquatcherGeneral

    BlueSCSI and System Switcher basic question

    Exactly! For a while I wondered if it were a problem worth fixing. But I need to be able to at least switch between Dark Castle and HyperCard! Thanks everybody for the tips. I've ordered a RAM upgrade -- I'm assuming that swapping RAM on a Mac SE doesn't require any special equipment? IIRC in...
  3. SasquatcherGeneral

    BlueSCSI and System Switcher basic question

    Hello! I recently bought a Mac SE (1MB with 20MB HD), which is my first compact Mac since my beloved Mac Plus back in 1989. Unfortunately, after one night setting up some BlueSCSI drives, I've accidentally turned it into a dedicated Dark Castle machine. Setting up the SD card with multiple HD...