smoo's latest activity

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
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    smoo replied to the thread Checkerboard Macintosh Classic.
    Yeah I hear that classic was on the cheaper end so was slower and has long term issues like bad capacitors. Do you usually just go on...
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    smoo replied to the thread Checkerboard Macintosh Classic.
    Sounds great! Thanks for help!
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    smoo replied to the thread Checkerboard Macintosh Classic.
    I found this: for the anaolg board capacitors. Do you recommend...
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    smoo replied to the thread Checkerboard Macintosh Classic.
    I had to change the voltage from the analog board to get it out of the checkerboard. Could you recommend where I could get the capacitor...
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    smoo replied to the thread Checkerboard Macintosh Classic.
    This worked! The voltage from the port was significantly lower than the numbers I found online, and now my macintosh is booting into a...
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    Hello everyone, I recently got my hands on a Macintosh Classic and it has the infamous checkerboard. When I opened up, the previous...