Recent content by This Does Not Compute

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  1. This Does Not Compute

    IIsi Power Supply unknown part

    I don't have an exact part number for you, but I measured L202 to be 0.4uH. Inductors of that value appear to still be common today, though what current rating that one is capable of I'm not sure.
  2. This Does Not Compute

    Ram 30-pin SIMM socket where to buy?

    It's likely supply and demand. I've long suspected those sockets are NOS parts, and now that there's increased demand and supply is shrinking, they're going to price them accordingly. Long-term, we'd need someone to bankroll having a manufacturer start making the sockets again -- but given the...
  3. This Does Not Compute

    Remove and socket SE/30 CPU?

    I couldn't remember what it topped out at. Either way I had it set to something like 75-80% of maximum.
  4. This Does Not Compute

    Remove and socket SE/30 CPU?

    Pretty sure it was the stock 1mm nozzle, with the heat set around 4 (out of 5). I don't remember ending up with any particularly stubborn pins, so maybe I just got lucky!
  5. This Does Not Compute

    Remove and socket SE/30 CPU?

    I've removed a soldered-on CPU from an SE/30 with just the FR-301, it's totally doable. You can buy new sockets here:
  6. This Does Not Compute

    Restoring a Mac SE 5011

    Here's a BOM I put together for building Kay Koba's SE analog board recreation PCB, but it's valid for original boards too:
  7. This Does Not Compute

    68kmla lockout

    I'm locking this thread as it's already diverged from its original purpose. Tinker Different is not affiliated with 68kMLA and we can't answer to how their operations work.
  8. This Does Not Compute

    [Help] Bolle Twinspark/MacCon won't connect to network.

    Sounds like a layer 2 issue to me. I'd try setting up port mirroring on the switch interface you have the Mac connected to and see what shows up in Wireshark.
  9. This Does Not Compute

    Bolle's SE/30 Board Recreation - Pick and Place / BOM Discrepency

    Not sure which Google Sheets BOM you're referring to, but here's the one I put together when I did the group buy:
  10. This Does Not Compute

    Massive (filthy) find in South Carolina

    Your IIfx has the same weirdness as mine: All of the SMD caps are tantalum except for those two electrolytics over by the RAM slots.
  11. This Does Not Compute

    Microscope recommendations

    The biggest one is that the ring light that ships with it, at least for my unit, has its own (somewhat short) mains AC cable. I ended up finding an otherwise identical ring light on AliExpress that's powered by USB and can plug into the USB-A port on the back of the microscope. The other, lesser...
  12. This Does Not Compute

    Microscope recommendations

    I use one of these and while it's not perfect, it works great.
  13. This Does Not Compute

    Recreating the Mac's CUDA / EGRET microcontroller chips - can it be done?

    I'm curious how this even works -- are the EGRET/CUDA chips also part of the system memory space?
  14. This Does Not Compute

    SE/30 Y3 Crystal Replacement Recommendation?

    Thanks, I've gotten this one added to my spreadsheet. Do you happen to have a recommendation for Y2 as well?
  15. This Does Not Compute

    My first severely battery-bombed Classic Mac... any advice ?

    The best option would be to get it sandblasted (to remove all the rust) and then either powder-coated or plated (nickel, zinc, etc). You could try to sand the rust off but it's really difficult to remove it inside all the pitting. An alternative would be to keep an eye out for another chassis in...