Recent content by tinkerman

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. T

    Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack)

    The sticker shows the model name as "RODREELS". I tried reformatting the disk in the machine, right after the firmware install, and it now works fine to play back the captured files (FAT32 formatting). And the same good outcome for the same disk when I (externally) re-formatted as exFAT. The...
  2. T

    Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack)

    I am delighted to report that on my "semi-bricked" US version 2 (purchased recently from Amazon), the EU V2 firmware provided by LordMiG restored the normal display colors and capture screen! A quick test with the modified higher bit rate firmware showed it to be working normally. The...
  3. T

    Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack)

    I just joined this forum, to sound the alarm for upgrading the "US version" firmware - I purchased mine from Amazon on February 23rd, it was version 2. Once I upgraded to the modified version for V2 the LCD display was changed to what has been observed with the "European" versions. I tried...