Recent content by torbar

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. torbar

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    I'll definitely be interested in a spool as well!
  2. torbar

    ENDED *Christmas Photo Contest!*

    I hope I win all the prizes all at once!
  3. torbar

    BlueSCSI - Open, Low Cost, DIY SCSI to SD device

    I just added the 1.1 DB25 and desktop versions as well at I believe the other sellers are not too far behind adding theirs either
  4. torbar

    Shipping a B&W G3, any advice?

    So another thought, Maybe removing all the plastics(including the side panels), and shipping them separately? Pickup isn't likely to be an option, since it's almost across the country
  5. torbar

    Shipping a B&W G3, any advice?

    Good advice! I might have a box from a PC case lying around anyway, but if not I think there are some local shops that might have something I can get
  6. torbar

    Staff Bio - Steve (Mac84)

    I knew you had quite the collection, but I didn't realize it was that many!
  7. torbar

    Shipping a B&W G3, any advice?

    I have a B&W G3 that's going to be making it's way to @PotatoFi in the near future , and am wondering if anyone has any advice for how to safely ship it. I figure remove the handles and pack them with bubblewrap inside the computer, give the machine plenty of padding on all sides, any other...
  8. torbar

    New BlueSCSI PDS Card slot bracket for Macintosh SE and SE/30

    For anyone that's looking at printing this - You'll need supports on the build plate since the bottom of the tray is a bit higher than ground level. (the SD slot, the holes, and the angled things that hold the bluescsi pcb in seem to print fine without supports) And then to screw it in to...
  9. torbar

    Member intro - Tom Barber(torbar)

    Age: 31 Height: According to my license, 5'11" Locabion: Connecticut Beard: As a vintage Mac collector, of course! First Mac: First Mac that was "mine", an iMac G3 in around 2003 when my dad got a new Mac. He's been a Mac user since the Quadra 650, so there's always been a Mac in the house...
  10. torbar

    $30 Box of Random Electronics

    I used to play DopeWars on mine in highschool. Teaches you good life advice. Buy low, sell high! Just make sure it didn't lose power for more than 2 minutes, because then all your data is gone
  11. torbar

    Q & A Time!

    If you open the video link itself, it will say in the bottom left corner. 6pm EST(so 29 hours and 27 minutes from now)
  12. torbar

    Apple II Plus

    Could be bad solder joints on the keyboard encoder, that was the case with mine Remove the keyboard, and there should be a PCB that looks similar to this. Check the solder joints, particularly on that row of header pins
  13. torbar

    $30 Box of Random Electronics

    I thought it was supposed to be a moldy potato Minecraft grass block definitely makes more sense though! It will totally live on next time I send something to someone in "the inner circle"
  14. torbar

    $30 Box of Random Electronics

    Not sure which I like better, the palm, or the limited edition Pototatofi box it came in! One day I need to gather all my palms together for a family photo
  15. torbar

    Q & A Time!

    I'd tell you a UDP joke but you might not get it