Recent content by Ubik

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Ubik

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    That is excellent performance @Zane Kaminski. Looking at the MacWorld July 1991 article, that is taking the 68000 to impressive heights where only 030 and cached-up 020 boards went in the day.
  2. Ubik

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Great news and count me in!
  3. Ubik

    VCF SoCal 2025, February 15th & 16th, 2025

    With the 2024 show being so great (nice seeing @Action Retro ), here's a shameless plug for the Vintage Computer Festival SoCal in Orange County, California February 15th & 16th, 2025. It's a great show, and you can pair it up with a trip to nearby Disneyland!
  4. Ubik

    Looking for a Replacement PSU for an SE or SE/30?

    Hey JDW - If you get one these would love to see an analysis using your EE knowledge. ;-)
  5. Ubik

    Best Version of REALBasic for SE/30?

    Yes, there is a runtime for 68k, which runs on 7.1, but I've discovered version 2 is buggy and RealBasic is not optimized for older 68k Macs. I've decided to stick with Director, Hypercard, or Filemaker for developing low-code solutions for 68K Macs, with tool choice depending on the need for...
  6. Ubik

    Best Version of REALBasic for SE/30?

    Thanks! Hopefully my SE/30's 50-SE30F Accelerator will help the slow battlestation.
  7. Ubik

    Best Version of REALBasic for SE/30?

    I have some experience with Filemaker, Hypercard, and Director but wanted to try REALBasic to develop apps for late 80's 68k Macs. Does anyone know what version of RealBasic would work best on System 7.1 on an SE/30? @Action Retro I saw you use REALbasic on your Battlestation - any ideas?
  8. Ubik

    Looking for a Replacement PSU for an SE or SE/30?

    Thanks for the update. Very cool! I assume this the best relevant post on 68kMLA?
  9. Ubik

    Interware Booster Clone 30-SE50F Accelerator

    Just a quick note with results on the new Interware Clone "Booster 30-SE50F" 50Mhz 030 w 68882 FPU accelerator in my SE/30 purchased from zigzagjoe on 68kMLA. Installed in the PDS without issues, requires no software, and performed a bit over twice as fast than stock (based on Speedometer 3)...
  10. Ubik

    Migrating from SCSI2SD v5.2 to BlueSCSI v2

    Good answers above. Since I had both an internal and external BlueSCSI V2 here's what I did to move my SE/30 SCSI2SD volume to BlueV2. Requirements BlueSCSI V2 Internal BlueSCSI V2 External (Optional) PC or Mac with Basilisk II (Basilisk is optional, but makes the process much faster)...
  11. Ubik

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Thanks JDW. Seems like the best direction for these accelerator projects is more open-sourced like BlueSCSI. Then multiple sources could build, improve, and promote. There are so many super-smart people (Zane included) in the community that could contribute and benefit.
  12. Ubik

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    This thread has been quiet. Is WarpSE still alive?
  13. Ubik

    Recommend me some older Mac-centric books

    You may have already read this, but The Secret History Of Mac Gaming: Expanded Edition is fun, although it took me fovever to get through as I was downloading from Macintosh Garden and playing along the way! Update: I realize this is not "older" of course.
  14. Ubik

    Alvvays - Very Online Guy [Official Video]

    Alvvays is "music to retro-compute" and I think you'll see why : )
  15. Ubik

    For the love of old tech + rant on all things modern

    Agree. My 2017 VW Mk7 GTI has a great UI and does wired Apple Car Play well, Most important car functions are physical buttons, and the touch screen is responsive. Unfortunately VW's newest models have taken a turn for the worse by dropping physical buttons, which was the selling point of VWs...