Molex to Sata lose all your data

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New Tinkerer
Jan 2, 2025
What do you guys do when installing SATA ssds in powermacs? I don’t want to risk melting my Mac with a crappy Molex-Sata power adapter cable.

what is best practice here for a blue and white and a quicksilver?


Active Tinkerer
Dec 24, 2023
Stillwater, MN
SSDs take much less power than standard mechanical drives. The only melted Molex-Sata power adapters I have seen are on crypto mining rigs.

B&W are finicky about which SATA-IDE adapters you use.

You have two options:
1. An IDE to SSD adapter on one of the internal IDE chains, read this thread for some caveats.
2. A PCI SATA card, read this thread for caveats.


New Tinkerer
Jan 2, 2025
Thanks for the info. I’ve already got them both set up with ide-Sata bridges, and I’ve flashed a pci Sata card but got worried reading horror stories about Molex-sata power cords melting.

any tips for picking a Molex-Sata adapter and how to connect them to minimize the risk?

Certificate of Excellence

Active Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2021
United Sates
The psu I picked up for my last gaming box around 2019 came with a handful of these. That’s what I’m using - they’re just bog standard adapters-nothing fancy really. I think the caveat is making sure the pins of the Molex adapter are properly seated when connected and not pushed out the back of the molex housing and if they do you can take some small needle nose pliers and push the stubborn pin all the way in or just reorient the misaligned pin and try again lol.

That and make sure the wires on the molex are the right order. From molex they should go red-black-black-yellow (per color conventions) which is 5v-G-G-12v. I’ve never found one that was not that order anyhow. Good luck 🙂
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Dec 18, 2024
SSDs take much less power than standard mechanical drives. The only melted Molex-Sata power adapters I have seen are on crypto mining rigs.

I would generally agree here, except Crucial seemed fit to issue a warning and say that warranties wouldn’t be honored in the case of a melted adapter. Does make me wonder what their support staff saw that made the company deem it worthy of the effort to write up a support article on it. That said, a good adapter shouldn’t be able to arc which would be the main risk. I tend to make sure my adapters/cables come from known sources to try to minimize the risks that can crop up from cut corners (StarTech, MonoPrice, etc).