Apple Service Technical Procedures Volume Seven

Apple Service Technical Procedures Volume Seven

This is the seventh iteration of the "Apple Service Technical Procedures" series. This was released around March/April of 1987 to Apple Service providers. The contents are quite bizarre as it's a mix of things. Items such as the 300/1200 Modems and the Personal Modem. Also there is a strange section "You Outta Know..." which describes how to use these guides, basic support, Apple Link, duplicating diagnostics, key switch replacement (Apple II, II Plus, IIe, IIc, and III), a simplified overview of a microcontroller in Apple's perspective, dot matrix technology, and ESD protection/caution. Also included are monitor and printer tests. Once again the Apple 3.5 drive is described in vivid detail with many examples and diagrams, part numbers too. Also included is SCSI hard drive diagnostics and troubleshooting, how to repair or restore data. Also included is the Apple Talk information explaing how to set up and use Apple Talk. AppleShare is also included very briefly. Last but not least includes the "AppleTalk PC Card" section in which troubleshooting, upgrades, and repair is described. Please note I included remade section dividers that match the originals, you will see that the "Networks" section is left blank, there was no information in here I assume this is where Service Providers stored the contacts and setups for various customers.
First release
Last update
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