PowerBook LCD Part Number List

PowerBook LCD Part Number List

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Note: This resource has been mirrored here from a page on my website. I'll try to keep this page up to date, but if I forget, the most up to date version will be the one on my website.
Link: https://macdat.net/macintosh/powerbook/general/powerbooklcdindex.html

PowerBook LCD Part Number/Info List​

Information from various sources, including myself, various forum threads, and oldcrap.org.


This list is not exhaustive. There have been many cases where Apple shipped multiple screen vendors in their laptops, such as with the 5300cs, which shipped with either a ToriSan or a Sharp LCD. Because of this, it's possible that you'll open yours up and it will have a different LCD than one of the ones listed here. If you're planning to use this list to order a replacement LCD for your PowerBook, verify that you have the same LCD installed that I have listed here, because the LCD cables are often incompatible between different LCD makes!

Because of these unknowns, I've added an extra column to the table to indicate how sure I am that the info listed is exhaustive. I've used a letter code to save space, here's the legend:

  • E - Exhaustive. Models marked E have complete or near-complete certainty that no other variants exist.
  • E- - Mostly Exhaustive. I'm fairly sure there weren't any other makes or variants, but that certainly isn't 100%.
  • V - Variants. Other variants of the LCD than listed may be installed, but they are functionally identical and 100% compatible with what is listed. An example of this would be the PowerBook 180c. The P/N I have listed is what's found in most of them, but my own unit's P/N is slightly different. I forgot to note it down, but it doesn't really matter as it's just a minor revision and doesn't require a different cable, and looks identical down to the PCB.
  • U - Unknown. Other incompatible LCDs may also be used. For example, I have a Toshiba LCD listed for the Duo 2300c, but I do not have enough info on it to know if it also shipped with a panel made be Sharp or another company.
  • N/A - No Info. Listed when I don't know any part numbers for any of the LCDs

Macintosh Portable​

ModelLCD ModelLCD Color DepthLCD TypeCommon IssuesCertainty
Portable M5120 (Non-Backlit)Hosiden HLR1010-10-1101MonochromeActive-MatrixTunnel Vision (rarely), Vinegar syndrome status unknown.E
Portable M5126 (Backlit)Hosiden (Unknown Model)MonochromeActive-MatrixTunnel Vision (rarely), Vinegar syndrome status unknown.N/A

100 Series​

Notes: The 190/190cs are included with the 5300 series later down due to sharing the same design. To go into more detail on the 165c, it uses through-hole caps, which can and do fail, but much more rarely than the SMD caps that other LCDs used.​

Fun Facts & Other Info​

The "Monochrome" LCDs from the 140/145/145B and the Grayscale LCDs from the 160/165 are actually interchangeable! If plugged into a 160 or 165, a 14x display will be able to display grayscale. Installing a 16x LCD into a 14x laptop will not allow the 14x laptop to display grayscale.
ModelLCD ModelLCD Color DepthLCD Type Common IssuesCertainty
PowerBook 100Sharp LM64P791MonochromePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeE
PowerBook 140Sharp LM64P51, Hitachi LMG5200XTFC (Rarely)MonochromePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure (sharp LCD ONLY), Vinegar SyndromeV
PowerBook 145Sharp LM64P58MonochromePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeV
PowerBook 145BSharp LM64P58MonochromePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeV
PowerBook 150Sharp LM64183P, Casio MD800TT10-C14-color grayscalePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeE
PowerBook 160Sharp LM64P5816-color grayscalePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeV
PowerBook 165Sharp LM64P58216-color grayscalePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeV
PowerBook 165cSharp LM64C06PColorPassive-MatrixVinegar Syndrome, occasional cap failureE
PowerBook 170Hosiden HLR1014-101125MonochromeActive-MatrixTunnel Vision, Vinegar SyndromeE
PowerBook 180Hosiden HLR1021-10118216-color grayscaleActive-MatrixTunnel Vision, Vinegar SyndromeE
PowerBook 180cSharp LQ9D01AColorActive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeV

Duo (200 Series)​

Fun Facts & Other Info​

Duo 210 and 230 LCDs should be interchangeable.
ModelLCD ModelLCD Color DepthLCD Type Common IssuesCertainty
PowerBook Duo 210Sharp LM64N792 (likely interchangeable with the 230)GrayscalePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeV
PowerBook Duo 230Sharp LM64N794 (likely interchangeable with the 210)GrayscalePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeV
PowerBook Duo 250Hosiden HLR0911-101167GrayscaleActive-MatrixTunnel Vision, Vinegar SyndromeE
PowerBook Duo 270cSharp LQ9D041ColorActive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeU
PowerBook Duo 280Hosiden HLR0911-101167GrayscaleActive-MatrixTunnel Vision, Vinegar SyndromeE
PowerBook Duo 280cUnknownColorActive-MatrixCapacitor Failure, Vinegar SyndromeN/A
PowerBook Duo 2300cToshiba LTM09C035LColorActive-MatrixVinegar Syndrome, caps unknownU

500 Series​

Fun Facts & Other Info​

There is a good bit of back and forth in the community on whether the Sharp LCD or the Toshiba LCD is better on the 540c. The Sharp LCD is generally agreed to have more vivid colors than the Toshiba panel, but the dot pitch on the Toshiba panel is noticeably better.
ModelLCD ModelLCD Color DepthLCD TypeCommon IssuesCertainty
PowerBook 520Sharp LM64P858GrayscalePassive-MatrixCapacitor Failure sometimes, Vinegar SyndromeE-
PowerBook 520cSharp LM64C12PColorPassive-MatrixVinegar Syndrome, caps unknownE-
PowerBook 540Several, all by Hosiden. Includes: HY41403727UA, HY4150BF27UA and HY4050FE27UA. All effectively the same and should be interchangable.Grayscale (64-grays)Active-MatrixTunnel Vision, Vinegar SyndromeV
PowerBook 540cToshiba LTM09C017, Sharp LQ94D041, Hosiden w/out model numberColorActive-MatrixVinegar Syndrome, Sharp model may need caps. Toshiba doesn't.E
PowerBook 550cSharp LQ10D32AColorActive-MatrixVinegar Syndrome, caps unknown but likely has them.U

PowerBook 190/5300 Series​

Fun Facts & Other Info​

You can create an Active-Matrix 190cs (or would that make it a 190c?) by swapping a 5300c's LCD & cable into it.

Also, just about none of the cables are compatible between any of the LCD makes and variants! Have fun.

ModelLCD ModelLCD Color DepthLCD TypeResolutionCommon IssuesCertainty
PowerBook 190Casio MFSTN MD805TT00-C1, Sharp LM64185PGrayscalePassive Matrix640x480Vinegar Syndrome, Capacitor FailureE
PowerBook 190csTorisan CFSTN LM-CJ53-22NAK, Sharp LM64C352ColorPassive Matrix640x480Vinegar Syndrome, Capacitor FailureE
PowerBook 5300Casio MFSTN MD805TT00-C1, Sharp LM64185PGrayscalePassive Matrix640x480Vinegar Syndrome, Capacitor FailureE
PowerBook 5300csTorisan CFSTN LM-CJ53-22NAK, Sharp LM64C352ColorPassive Matrix640x480Vinegar Syndrome, Capacitor FailureE
PowerBook 5300cSharp LQ10D32M, Toshiba (Unknown Model), Possibly also a Hosiden panel?ColorActive Matrix640x480Vinegar Syndrome, Capacitor Failure (sharp LCD ONLY)U
PowerBook 5300ceToshiba LTM10C036ColorActive Matrix800x600Vinegar Syndrome, one cap that may need replacing soonE

Newer Models​

ModelLCD ModelLCD Color DepthLCD TypeResolutionCommon IssuesCertainty
PowerBook 1400csHitachi LMG9910ZWCCColorPassive Matrix800x600Vinegar Syndrome, will need caps soonU
PowerBook 1400cSharp LQ11S42ColorActive-Matrix800x600Vinegar Syndrome, will need caps soonE-
PowerBook 3400cSharp LQ12S11, Samsung LT121S4-105ColorActive-Matrix800x600Vinegar Syndrome, will need caps soon (samsung unconfirmed)E-
PowerBook 2400cIBM 08J9880ColorActive-Matrix800x600Vinegar SyndromeE-
Twentieth Aniversary Macintosh (TAM)Samsung LT121S4-105, possibly also the same sharp panel as the 3400cColorActive-Matrix800x600Vinegar Syndrome, caps unknownU
PowerBook G3 "Kanga"Likely similar/same as the 3400c?ColorActive-Matrix800x600Vinegar Syndrome, Caps unknownN/A

Up to date as of September 30th, 2024.​

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