User Group Connection Macintosh Technical Notes "Collection" (2 Binders over 1400 Pages)

User Group Connection Macintosh Technical Notes "Collection" (2 Binders over 1400 Pages)

These binders are jam packed with information on coding in Pascal, C, and C++ in the Macintosh environment as well as information on how many of the Apple Macintosh lineup of computers work on a bit by bit level. Information such as measurements for cards, RAM addressing, chip buffers, etc. it is all in this binder. It’s a very neat look into the early 90’s world of computer development/engineering and there are two binders in this series both included in this collection. Also noted are sound and coding examples added at the back and they are pretty comprehensive and interesting to look at. There is also ROM addressing information plus much, much, much more. There's a lot of information in all kinds of different areas, it's hard to write a description.
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