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  1. W

    Question(s) with my first brand used SE/30, hopefully a restoration story...

    I speculate that this is likely a problem with the analog circuit, possibly due to a capacitor malfunction in the vertical scanning circuit. Some people also suggest checking if the deflection coil is loose.
  2. W

    [Resolved]Macintosh Plus cold start brightness too high problem

    I really didn’t expect that this place also leaks electricity. I think this is a design problem. The brightness adjustment voltage is too close to GND.
  3. W

    Can Macintosh SE's CRT be monitor?

    I don't recommend you to do this. If you dismantle this old device, it will be one less, and it will not work well as a modern monitor, and there is dangerous high voltage. If you can't repair it, it is recommended to sell it to someone who can. If you want to experience the appearance of a...
  4. W

    [Resolved]Macintosh Plus cold start brightness too high problem

    Hi everyone, thanks for this forum. I have a Macintosh Plus, the analog board (international version, works in 120V mode) is broken, I repaired it, and now I can see the floppy disk symbol when I boot it. The current problem is that the screen brightness is too high when cold start, and returns...
  5. W

    Macintosh can't enter system

    What kind of SCSI device have you used? Have you tried BlueSCSI?