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  1. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    That's exactly what they are/were. The two Diamond cards had 25P05VP chips, one of which I replaced with a 25P10VP last night. I flashed it with both the 208 and 226 full ROMs and it behaved exactly as the green card, which a poster in the thread on the Other Forum identified as likely being...
  2. carbide

    Macintosh IIsi Power Supply Question

    I was never curious/brave enough to touch the innards of my IIsi's power supply while it was plugged in, so I can't answer that part of your question. As to the power switch though, mine has the same behaviour. Pressing it turns it on if it's off, resets it if its on. I assumed that's just how...
  3. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    (This is also up on the Other Forum, no idea what the netiquette is surrounding posting links to/from there) Hello everyone. For MARCHintosh I had been hoping to get a few Radeon 7000s I'd picked up flashed to work on my beige...
  4. carbide

    Macintosh IIci video sync problems with modern LCDs

    My adapter is a little different from all the ones above; it includes a dial that's used in conjunction with some of the dip switches for setting the resolution, and I think it converts sync-on-green to whatever the "standard" sync method is? It's a Belkin F3H1381. The manual for it is...
  5. carbide

    My IIsi Power Supply is dying. Possible to fix?

    An update to my IIsi PSU that could help you. I finally had some time to look at it some more and noticed that there was some liquid around the large inductor at the bottom-left of the PSU board (with the AC plugs to the right as in your pictures). I de-soldered it (which was a huge pain...
  6. carbide

    My IIsi Power Supply is dying. Possible to fix?

    When it is failing to start up at all, is the PSU making a quiet, rapid clicking noise? That's the failure mode of mine at the moment. It was recapped before I picked it up at VCF Midwest this past year, and it worked several times after I first got it, but now it only does that. I'm planning...