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  1. C

    Any thoughts on my SE/30

    So I’ve had a good play around with the scope. I can’t see anything horrendous. Whilst playing around with the various pins on UC7 I noticed I can change the displayed image in a pretty persistent way - it seems to persist across reboots! Plan A now is to get some sockets and some spare UC6...
  2. C

    Any thoughts on my SE/30

    @Kai Robinson I’ve just checked my schematics. UB10/11 are sound chips. I think you must mean UC6/7 they are shown as Video RAM on the schematics?
  3. C

    Any thoughts on my SE/30

    UF8 replacement originally restored VSYNC - that’s been done along with a UE8 replacement for good measure. i will take a look at UB10 and 11. I have another board (not working) that I could use as a donor if needed. I have a scope available but am a complete novice with it - could this help...
  4. C

    Any thoughts on my SE/30

    UF8 replacement originally restored VSYNC - that’s been done along with a UE8 replacement for good measure. i will take a look at UB10 and 11. I have another board (not working) that I could use as a donor if needed. I have a scope available but am a complete novice with it - could this help...
  5. C

    Any thoughts on my SE/30

    “I have swapped RAM and ROMs…” Yes. I’ve also tried a different video ROM. It doesn’t look like the images of semisamac that I have seen elsewhere
  6. C

    Any thoughts on my SE/30

    I’ve been working on this SE/30 board for some time and am pretty stuck at the moment. Board has been recapped. Original problem was no VSYNC. I fixed this by replacing UE8, UF8. I now get the screen shown in the photo. I believe, based on HDD activity that the machine is booting fine, but...