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  1. B

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    This is interesting because I, too, thought this seemed like a grounding issue. James, I would start by measuring the resistance between ground pin-1 on each sound chip to each other and also to other ground locations on the board. The intent will be to see if there is a difference in potential...
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    I was taken advantage of by an internet confidence trickster.

    If we allow the actions of a few to affect our interactions with the rest of the collective we will grow bitter and become a group that no one wants to be apart. I don’t post much on this forum, however, one of the things that attracted me to it was the openness and kindness displayed to fellow...
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    Mac IIci RTC 344S0042

    I have some MCUs on order I am going to work on a prototype. Hopefully with a little luck, I will be able to get something pretty special created.
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    Mac IIci RTC 344S0042

    MCU being the ATtiny85? Implementing it by designing a PCB to convert the SMD package to plcc20? or are you thinking of an entirely different MCU?
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    Mac IIci RTC 344S0042

    I recently decided that I needed a new project to satisfy my inner tinkerer. I have never owned a Mac in Mac II form factor and thought I would give it a go. I was able to locate a reasonably priced Mac IIci and went for it. When I purchased the computer a could see some damage from a dreded...
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    512K CRT not working until the analog board warms up

    Colin, You were correct. I reflowed all the connectors and the fly back and my problem was solved. See the attached picture. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Brian
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    512K CRT not working until the analog board warms up

    Recently I was able to acquire a 512K compact mac. When initially powered on the system bongs and boots from the floppy, but the crt remains blank. If you wait long enough to allow the analog board to get sufficiently warm, the crt will begin working. As the temperature rises the crt will...
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    Mac SE/30 powers on sometimes other times not.

    I have recently have been given a Mac SE/30 by a friend. I have recapped the Logic Board and the Analog board and ultrasonically cleaned the boards. However, the computer will only power on sometimes. If it boots at all, there is no sound from the front speaker. If I use headphone port sound is...
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    This section needs a post!

    This machine is absolutely amazing. It is an example of what can be accomplished when we humans are determined to evolve from the current state. While the concept of tearing off a sheet of paper sounds weird to us today, it was a great way to meet people in the office where they were. Perhaps...