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  1. oldmacuser

    Something like Vintage Apple 101: Getting Started thread

    Thank you, @JDW for great information! I have no doubt that this is a fantastic place and I completely agree with you on getting along with everyone, helping others, and making things fun! I already know about some of the people you mentioned, and I'm excited to check out all of them. It might...
  2. oldmacuser

    Something like Vintage Apple 101: Getting Started thread

    Thank you @speakers ! They are all great stuff!
  3. oldmacuser

    Link to "Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial | FULL DOCUMENTARY"

    I really enjoyed watching this documentary on Lisa from the Verge, which is available on YouTube.
  4. oldmacuser

    Something like Vintage Apple 101: Getting Started thread

    I joined this forum in June after watching JDW's video and lurked around for about a month. During that time, I thoroughly enjoyed the "Vintage Apple 101: Getting Started" thread and hope to find more content like that here.
  5. oldmacuser

    intro oldmacuser

    Thank you! @Certificate of Excellence !
  6. oldmacuser

    intro oldmacuser

    Thank you @Mu0n ! Your YouTube channel, 1Bit Fever Dreams, sounds intriguing and THINK C for b&W Macs sounds fascinating. I am definitely going to check out your channel. Thanks for the suggestion of other channels! I have watched their videos on this site. They are great! I'll try to...
  7. oldmacuser

    intro oldmacuser

    Thanks @Yoda ! It's always great to hear about other tinkers experience and your desktop publishing sounds very fascinating!
  8. oldmacuser

    intro oldmacuser

    Thank you for the warm welcome, @JDW ! I'm excited to be part of TinkerDifferent and learn from fellow enthusiasts like you. I appreciate the recommendation of Bruce Rayne's channel, Branchus Creations. I'll definitely check it out!. It's fantastic to connect with people who share a passion...
  9. oldmacuser

    intro oldmacuser

    Hello, everyone! I saw one of @JDW 's videos announcing the launch of Tinkerdiffernt, and now I have joined. I have been using Macs all my life, but I am particularly fond of compact Macs. Currently, I have the SE and SE/30, and I don't see myself needing anything else. I would love to learn...