Search results

  1. JDW

    DaynaPort E/II-T NuBus Ethernet card — MANUAL needed

    I am currently testing on my IIci, which I believe can run as old as 6.0.4, although I almost always use 6.0.8 whenever running System 6 on any of my Macs, including the SE/30. For now, I am doing most of my testing in System 7.1 and 7.6.1 (since 7.5.3 and 7.5.5 crash with Open Transport...
  2. JDW

    DaynaPort E/II-T NuBus Ethernet card — MANUAL needed

    @Glenn Anderson Would you happen to know what the difference is between the DaynaPORT II & DaynaPORT (St.) II drivers shown below? My card is the DaynaPORT E/II-T, as shown in the photo I posted previously. I assume one of those two drivers must be correct, as they are the only two with...
  3. JDW

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    I've spent many hours testing on my IIci, which has a Radius Thunder 24 GT video card and a DayStar Turbo040 40MHz accelerator installed (and their respective INITs), and of course I have a BlueSCSIv2 with a PICO W installed too. Here are my findings: 1. System 7.1 with Open Transport 1.3 is...
  4. JDW

    What’s faster RAM Doubler or BlueSCSI + Virtual Memory

    I concur with Eric. Now that I have a IIci and have cards installed, I am seeing a lot of warnings in the documentation for add-ons about having Virtual Memory switched on. Some things either won't work with Virtual Memory switched on at all, or acceleration will be lost.
  5. JDW

    Recreateing the Apple TechStep

    "First batch all sold"? I didn't realize they had been on sale. Wow. Is there a sales page where people can order them? Also, I see there is a 3D-printed piece to keep the LCD in place. Is there a 3D printed case in the works? Or are there stand-offs on the bottom of the PCB to otherwise...
  6. JDW

    DaynaPort E/II-T NuBus Ethernet card — MANUAL needed

    Wow, @Glenn Anderson ! Thanks for sharing that photo. What's interesting about the driver installer I mentioned on Macintosh Garden is that it adds that into the System file, rather than installing a control panel or extension. I checked the System file in ResEdit before and after the install...
  7. JDW

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Crackling/distorted audio "was" an issue in the past, but Zane at one point said that it should be easy to fix. Below are a few highlights from past discussions in this thread, for people who don't want to re-read everything... 1. I started posting in May 2022 on page 7, and Zane replied back...
  8. JDW

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Very true, Jeff. Of course, as you and I discussed in your thread, the crackling audio issue might matter to people interested in gaming. Zane was working on solving that problem. And that's really a huge deal because a large number of SE accelerators back in the day had audio issues that...
  9. JDW

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    @Ubik One of the last emails I sent to them was to suggest that they do something similar to what you suggest, or at least assign rights to someone that they trust, be that Steve Chamberlin of BMOW, Kay Koba, CayMac Vintage, whoever! I suggested maybe they could even ask for a royalty if they...
  10. JDW

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    @eric Your WiFi DaynaPORT page says to use the following text as a template for the bluescsi.ini file content... [SCSI] WiFiSSID=MyWiFi WiFiPassword=pass123 # Optional - Each Pico-W will generate its own MAC address, so normally not needed. # WiFiMACAddress=00:80:19:C0:FF:EE But my WIFI...
  11. JDW

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Sadly, it seems the answer is no. I sent numerous private emails to Zane and Garrett during the 7 weeks I spent making my ROM SIMM video, and I did not receive a reply. Zane did send a single email to our ROM SIMM group at the very beginning, but nothing thereafter. Very disappointing because...
  12. JDW

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    @eric Here's my step-by-step feedback about flashing BSv2 via USB CABLE. 1. As I thought, it's not as fun as the SD Card method would probably be because you have to fiddle around finding a cable that will actually work. Thankfully, I finally did, but it took a while. This isn't a gripe as...
  13. JDW

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    I realize that FB doesn't always get me fast answers (although it often does), but 2 other people over there on FB said the SD card method didn't work for them. In light of that feedback, perhaps by adding a single sentence note saying "If this method does not work for you, it is likely your...
  14. JDW

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    The IIci that I purchased recently from a vintage Mac enthusiast based in Canada kindly included that BlueSCSIv2 inside the machine. It otherwise works perfectly fine. I simply cannot use the SD card method of changing the firmware. So far on FaceBook, two other people confirmed they cannot...
  15. JDW

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    As is common for pretty much anything I do in life, I am having trouble on Step-1, which is mentioned in the Github page linked in my previous post. It says to do this... "1. Download the beta firmware file and follow these instructions to update the firmware of your BlueSCSI v2." So I...
  16. JDW

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    Steve, when I clicked your link above today, and it opened something named "Create new page." After a little digging through the site, it seems like you were wanting to link to the following page...
  17. JDW

    DaynaPort E/II-T NuBus Ethernet card — MANUAL needed

    I acquired a DaynaPort E/II-T NuBus Ethernet card for my Mac IIci, and the drivers for it are found on Macintosh Garden here: QUESTION: I can't find the MANUAL anywhere. Do any of you have it? Pretty crazy but I can't even find it on the old...
  18. JDW

    So you wanna start an SE/30 Reloaded group buy...

    I sent @Bolle a private message on Discord yesterday, linking this thread for him to review.
  19. JDW

    Flux residue cleaner recommendations?

    While reviewing the datasheet of a coupled-inductor for one of my switch-mode power supply designs today, I noted the following warning... Of course, I have known about these warnings on other ferrite core components, but it only dawned on me today that many people in the vintage Mac...
  20. JDW

    68k Mini vMac booting SCSI Device images

    Folks, one of the big improvements @eric made to the Apple Silicon versions of Mini vMac is they now work with unformatted disk images created either by the "dd" command in the OS X Terminal app, or blanks made by Doug Brown's SIMM Programmer app. Being able to use BlueSCSI images in Mini vMac...