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  1. L

    ATTO Silicon Express IV Nubus

    Something that I didn't mention in this thread, because I spoke about it in another thread around the same time, is that my Daystar Fastcache Quadra PDS cache card disables itself when the SEIV is installed in the system. It grays out the option to enable it in the Daystar control panel, so...
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    Trying to figure out a thermal solution for the GeForce 3 in the Cube

    I've never done it, but I have in the past wondered about using an agp riser cable and putting the gpu in the hard drive space... Would also require a breakout harness of some description for the display connector, but in theory should be doable. It would have a lot more airspace around it...
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    68k Source code available online for Megaroids ][?

    Pretty sure asterax uses SAT doesn't it?
  4. L

    Mu0n's MidJourney outputs

    How do they turn out if you run them through a simple threshold dither filter in PS, and resize? Does it ruin them?
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    Reviving long-dead Dallas DS12887 RTC ICs

    Going to watch this one later, thanks for posting. Not a PC, but I have and still use a CNC machine that was built in 1992 that has either three or four of these on it's memory board.
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    PowerBook grey filament? Which RAL?

    Do you have a 5300 era powerbook that you can compare with my assessment? I have a (subjectively, in my opinion) pretty good eye for colour but I don't have much faith in my RAL K7 booklet. It's glossy finish and I think I'd prefer the matte one if I was buying it again. I bought it for colour...
  7. L

    PowerBook grey filament? Which RAL?

    Yes I typod, 6015 is correct. Comparisons made with the naked eye :)
  8. L

    PowerBook grey filament? Which RAL?

    I have a 5300c and a RAL K7 book. I'm struggling to find one that matches very well. The texture on the outside makes it very difficult to match because the specularity of the grains alter the appearance. On the inside against the glossy surfaces, it is somewhere between 7024 (too blue/cold)...
  9. L

    MicroMac Accelerator card for Color Classic (not working)

    When you got the board the 030 was not populated and the 020 was already installed? I don't have one of these but I'm reasonably certain that 020 is not supposed to be there. There is no mention of an 020 version of this accelerator on the MicroMac website, and every other picture I can find of...
  10. L

    Please Help Screws Broke Off, Paint Match Help too!

    I can't tell from the photos if those are machine screws or self tapping screws, although it makes little difference in reality. Those are not coming out by any mechanical means - any attempt will tear the threads out or otherwise damage the chassis. There's a high likelihood that the threads...
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    Please Help Screws Broke Off, Paint Match Help too!

    You can google for details, but the summary is you submerge your aluminium (or other non-ferrous metal/metal alloy) component in a solution of alum and heat it. The reaction is slow without an accelerator, but any ferrous metal attached to the aluminium will be dissolved. I have done this in...
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    Please Help Screws Broke Off, Paint Match Help too!

    The screws are broken off in aluminium? I am not familiar with the III... There is a chemical method to dissolve ferrous metals in aluminium if so.
  13. L

    Any idea what this is?

    There are some really ancient NC (or CNC if they actually had a microprocessor) machinetools from the early-mid '70's that were built on cards like that. Way before my time so I've only seen pictures on other forums, but each card would serve a specific purpose, like a linear interpolator or a...
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    ATTO Silicon Express IV Nubus

    Just noticed you said "first version" - I have never seen one older than the SEII, could you maybe post some pictures of that one whenever you have it out next?
  15. L

    ATTO Silicon Express IV Nubus

    Unfortunately a MO drive is still on my wish list, and I have no other SCSI removable media to test with. I will try to keep it in mind though. When I get around to this I will update, too many non-hobby projects right now though and a lot of my stuff is still in storage from a recent move...
  16. L

    Scaling an Open Source DIY 3D Scanner to computer case dimensions?

    Better not go too far down that rabbit hole in this completely unrelated forum but* As far as open source goes, FreeCAD is the only game in town. It's rough around the edges and perpetually unfinished, but remains the only truly free 3D cad to offer most of the functionality of its industrial...
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    Scaling an Open Source DIY 3D Scanner to computer case dimensions?

    Yes, the output of 3D scanning is a point cloud generally in the form of STL mesh. This is true of industrial and hobby scanners alike, and converting STL mesh to solid or surface geometry is not a simple translation. Tools exist for this purpose but they are not perfect and the actually good...
  18. L

    Borrow Apple Adjustable Keyboard Wrist Rests

    My day job is manufacturing engineering and CNC machining, so stuff like this mainly gets used for work, but I’ve done a fair amount of reverse engineering with it in the past. Never any retro computer stuff, although I’ve daydreamed about it now and again! Building new injection molds for...
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    Borrow Apple Adjustable Keyboard Wrist Rests

    Unfortunately it's in storage right now as I am challenged for floor space in the new workshop, but I do have a full DCC CMM that is excellent for reverse engineering geometry like this more precisely than 3D scanning. Not directly useful since it will be next year some time before I get a new...
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    AppleCD 300 can't eject after inserting caddy

    I know exactly the lever you are talking about because it's a right pain in the a**e to get the bezel back on with that lever engaged properly. The tab on the door always wants to go to the wrong side of the lever when you're fitting the bezel, and then it doesn't work as you said. Before...