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  1. 3lectr1c

    Thinkpad 240X

    I'm impressed that one that old worked. They're usually unreliable/nonworking on anything older than a Pentium III.
  2. 3lectr1c

    Thinkpad 240X

    Even if you get a modern web browser running, it will be so anemic that even basic modern websites will be unbearably slow. There's honestly not much of a point in trying. For an SSD - an mSata to IDE adapter with a 128GB mSata drive will likely work fine in the 240X. Probably.
  3. 3lectr1c

    My first severely battery-bombed Classic Mac... any advice ?

    That one's really bad. Might be worth doing a reloaded board rather than trying to fix all those bad traces and vias. You'll have to see what it looks like on top after cleaning and scraping the corrosion off.
  4. 3lectr1c

    PowerBook 145B LCD video output format?

    I don't know for sure here unfortunately, but I do know that parallel was the standard around this time. LVDS didn't come around till....late 90s?
  5. 3lectr1c

    Powerbook 100 with blue screen and no chime

    Except imagine the container is a pressurized chamber instead of an open one, so instead it explodes when you try to overflow it. In any case - what you said is true most of the time, but the PB100 is a re-engineered Macintosh Portable, which had horrific power management design, so it can get...
  6. 3lectr1c

    Powerbook 100 with blue screen and no chime

    Oh - and also - do you have to press a key for it to start (normal behavior), or does it power on as soon as power is connected?
  7. 3lectr1c

    Powerbook 100 with blue screen and no chime

    Two things to try: 1. Use the proper AC adapter. The 100 is supposed to use a 7.5V 2A supply. Anything else may not let it start, and risks damaging the logic board. Apple was pretty explicit about this in their documentation, so it is more important than it is for the average computer. 2. Check...
  8. 3lectr1c

    BlueSCSI v2 Pico - Low cost, open hardware, fast SCSI device!

    ah yes, the Quantum BlueSCSI.
  9. 3lectr1c

    iPod collection

    Looks like the 3rd gen is stuck in debug mode. Could be bad hard drive or a corrupted drive.
  10. 3lectr1c

    Fix for PowerBook BlueSCSI & ZuluSCSI locking up after Mac OS "spins them down"

    There's been a bug in the BlueSCSI V2 and the ZuluSCSI of which the V2 is based that's been happening to a lot of PowerBook users where the OS will freeze when trying to "spin up" the drive. Basically, on PowerBooks, Mac OS will automatically spin the hard drive down after a few minutes to save...
  11. 3lectr1c

    VCF East Swap Meet-Photos

    The heat didn’t bother me much. If they had held it earlier, I wouldn’t have been able to attend due to school obligations regardless, so I’m very glad they hold one of these meets during the summer.
  12. 3lectr1c

    VCF East Swap Meet-Photos

    And that would be me in the background on the second photo :) I'm clearly carrying some laptop, can't tell which one. I drove off with probably close to 15 laptops.
  13. 3lectr1c

    Schematics for PowerBook Duo model

    No schematic in the video, but it's a great watch. Probably the best TDNC video I've seen so far :)
  14. 3lectr1c

    VCF East Swap Meet Might Be Toasty & Stormy

    I won’t mind heat too much. Will be too distracted by the old computers :)
  15. 3lectr1c

    VCF East Swap Meet Might Be Toasty & Stormy

    It better not storm... This is the once-in-a-year event for me!
  16. 3lectr1c

    Schematics for PowerBook Duo model

    I’d also like to know, I can add it to my complete Macintosh schematic archive:
  17. 3lectr1c

    PowerBook 3400 siren song

    Indeed, that's why it sounds like a speaker - because a voice coil can be used as a primitive one.
  18. 3lectr1c

    PowerBook 3400 siren song

    It's a sound made by the hard drive's voice coil. Not sure if it's the heads trying to free themselves, or if it's a warning tone that something's wrong. It seems to be specific to IBM Travelstar drives whatever the case may be.
  19. 3lectr1c

    PowerBook 3400 siren song

    You mean the ambulance noises? Yeah the old travelstars do that if they get stuck with stiction and the likes.