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  1. Volvo242GT

    Efficient web-based classic Mac emulator

    Pretty cool. On my MBP, it seems to be running at Mac Plus speed, at least under FF 78. @Drake with respect to recycling all your old Macs, I think not... lol
  2. Volvo242GT

    Massive Vintage Apple Haul in Idaho

    Nice haul. Makes my 2012 Conquest seem rather paltry in the amount of items... lol I'd be interested in a few things when you've gone through everything.
  3. Volvo242GT

    Which Macintoshes, NuBus Video Cards Only Do “Sync on Green”?

    @NJRoadfan Do you know the specific early NuBus video cards that don't work without sync separation with VGA to Mac adapters?
  4. Volvo242GT

    What I've received as of late...

    Aaand, even more RAM on the IIci... lol Takes a LONGGG time to display video.
  5. Volvo242GT

    What I've received as of late...

    Welp... A few things over the past month... Received the necessary bracketry for the SE to finish the dual FDHD install. Also did a couple upgrades on the IIci. -J
  6. Volvo242GT

    Which Macintoshes, NuBus Video Cards Only Do “Sync on Green”?

    A Dell UltraSharp 1908FP. Works great on my G3, but doesn't work well with either the IIci or the Centris 650. Adapter is a Sony MacView LX.
  7. Volvo242GT

    Which Macintoshes, NuBus Video Cards Only Do “Sync on Green”?

    Even the Centris 650, Quadra 650, and Quadra 800 are sync on green machines.
  8. Volvo242GT

    How many 3.5" Floppy drives can you daisy chain?

    Yeah, only the later //c, IIc+, and IIgs can daisychain floppy drives, since they have the smartport setup. ][, ][+, and //e can have two drives off each controller card, if OEM Apple cards are used. The Macs need to have each floppy drive connected to its own port, kinda like a disk ][...
  9. Volvo242GT

    Restoring a Mac SE - My Journey So Far...

    It happens... Right now, the second drive in my SE makes a loud chattering noise when it's plugged in. Head assembly is pushed forward all the way pretty much all the time. If you get the updated ROM chips and the SWIM floppy controller chip, plus a couple FDHD mechanisms, you can turn it...
  10. Volvo242GT

    1987 Macintosh Plus (Platinum)

    That right there was my original Mac. A Plus 1/0 with the platinum case. Came with an A9M0106 floppy drive and an ImageWriter II printer, plus the cases for the computer system and the printer. If you can find a non-ADB Kensington Turbo Mouse 3.0, grab it... A nice little upgrade for the...
  11. Volvo242GT

    M1212 Convergence

    Adjustment controls are below the tube on the back of the monitor... It should easily return to normal... They're no longer a dime a dozen, so it's worth fixing.
  12. Volvo242GT

    What is this accessory stuck to my iMac G3?

    Hard to say. Almost looks like they might've been for an anti-glare screen accessory.
  13. Volvo242GT

    Some very forceful PC Card Ejection!

    That is kinda amusing. Wonder if my old PowerBook G3 was the same way. Never tried it, though.
  14. Volvo242GT

    Mac IIci rebooting over and over automatically

    Ah, ok. PM'ed you.
  15. Volvo242GT

    Mac IIci rebooting over and over automatically

    Does the machine work normally with the power supply from one of your other IIci machines? If so, then yes, definitely power supply related. I mentioned in a PM to @olePigeon over at the other forums, that I'm planning to upgrade my IIci to a power supply from a Centris 650... A little...
  16. Volvo242GT

    Post your desk!

    A bit crowded, still no Apple II action (//e is still in the closet), and one of the Macs isn't on, because it shares its keyboard, mouse, and monitor with the IIci currently. L-R: mid-2010 MBP, running OS X 10.9.5; SE dual FDHD, running System 7.5.1 and sitting atop the Centris 650, which runs...
  17. Volvo242GT

    Member Bio - Admiral Shark (sharktastica)

    Welcome to the asylum... I'm kind of the black sheep of the family. Don't personally own any Wintel machines at this time, but the rest of the family is mainly Windows-based, so I do work on them. Case in point, last night, reinstalled a printer driver on my father's HP that he reverted back...
  18. Volvo242GT

    What I've received as of late...

    All five Macs. G3 and Centris 650 aren't powered up in the photo. In the case of the 650, it's sharing its monitor, keyboard, and mouse with the IIci. The G3, I had its monitor hidden by the MBP. Need a larger table to set everything up on, especially since there's also the //e, which is...
  19. Volvo242GT

    Kitchen demo & remodel

    I have seen aftermarket USB-lightning port sync cables that are with a reel mechanism in the past... So, they are out there. Re: the truck, our old Ford Exploder would do something similar if the tank was low and it was parked facing downhill. Apparently, in Ford's wisdom, they decided to put...
  20. Volvo242GT

    Kitchen demo & remodel

    Looks like fun... (yes, sarcasm intended) Anyway, should be nice once it's done, plus the house will be worth more. I do have a suggestion... Replace at least one of the electrical outlets with the duplex/USB charging outlets... Been doing that on our house, replacing at least one outlet in...