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  1. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    Yep, I've just been reflowing the pins on this chip. They were corroded from the battery leak so I had another go at cleaning off the crap first. I think it would be a good idea to do the VIAs too. The mouse isn't lagging, it sort of jumps backwards, usually just before you get to the button...
  2. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    Hmm, I changed the BlueSCSI setup and it got rid of the loop of death but MacOS still complained about unlocking the disk. I think the problem may be due to me loading 7.5.5 and accessing CD-ROMs and then rebooting with 6.0.8 which is complaining because there are items in the desktop that it...
  3. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    I think I've sussed it. I thought the BlueSCSI only tried to mount images in the root but it seems to be trying to also mount cd images in a folder that have the same SCSI Ids as mounted disks. I'll fix it when I get home.
  4. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    It seems like a bit of a gotcha that you're locked into a cycle of blocking dialogs. I presume that there is a way to break out of it but it's beyond my primitive macos skills.
  5. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    It boots into 6.0.8 ok but is trying to mount disks that aren't there. I'll try a different image and see if that helps.
  6. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    I seem to have tied myself in knots. I've created a new SD card for the BLUESCSI but when I boot from it I get blocking dialogs like this: Please unlock the disk "xxx" and try again. The desktop couldn't be created. If I cancel it it just pops up again, I can't even shut down properly. I...
  7. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    I have 5.5 but when trying to unstuff MacTest I ended up with a partial .sit. Fortunately I found a MacTest CD iso file and used that instead. Which two places? I did look but I didn't see it. I have a GBS-C which I was planning to use. I don't remember it being there in real life. I haven't...
  8. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    I've installed a BlueSCSI successfully so I'm not dependent on floppies now. Writing the disk images to the SD took AGES! I'm slowly getting to grips with MacOS and its foibles. I'm running 7.5.3 but only have 4MB of RAM and the OS takes over 2MB! This means lots of things won't run. Any...
  9. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    Hmm, I've already given that a go but maybe need a few hundred more clicks! If you plan to rebuild some, have a look at this I have some spare PCBs if you're interested. Thanks for this, I'll let you know when its in a fit state to use...
  10. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    I've been very careful with those nasty plastic SIMM clips ;) Anyhow, I've put it all back together and, as Adrian Black would say, "It freakin' works!", even the monitor! I've managed to boot from a 6.0.8 floppy and everything seems fine except for a couple of dead keys on the keyboard. I'm...
  11. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    The chips have arrived! Sockets soldered in. EEPROMS burned and fitted. Then this! Not being familiar with Macs I'm hoping this is the happy mac sound!
  12. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    i had already turned off check ID, it was turning off pin detect that enabled the ROM to be read. I agree that it may be some peculiarity of this particular device. The TL866 manual says that some chips may fail the pin detect which is why there is an option to turn it off. I totally agree...
  13. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    Here's a picture, UA1(HH) on the left UA5(LL) on the right. I managed to read the VLSI chip by turning off the pin detect so there's something odd there but I'm guessing the chip type (AM27512) so there may be an incompatibility there. When verifying against '1988-09 - 97221136 - Mac II FDHD...
  14. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    No, the one I suspect is LL, the last one I removed. I haven't been able to find a datasheet for the VT23512 to check it out. Do you know if the TL866 uses the select line? I was a bit surprised that it managed to read the one I think is duff. I've ordered some W27C512s so I think I'll end up...
  15. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    Doesn't sound that stupid. Good thought, I'll have a look. I've tried reading the ROMs as 27512s and its a bit weird. I managed to read the three Apple chips, LL and ML didn't have anything recognisable, I need to compare them with the downloaded ROM image. MH however was all FF which is odd...
  16. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    Having splashed out on a de-soldering station I decided to remove the ROM chips one by one to see if the select line started to behave properly. I started with UA1 (HH) no change, UA2 (MH) no change, UA4 (ML) no change and finally UA5 (LL) and success, the SEL line is now pulled low. it looks...
  17. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    Doh! I hadn't thought to look at the TL866+. It sounds like you have trodden a similar path. I was just wondering which chip went where but I see they are labelled LL, ML MH and HH which is presumably 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st (MSB) bytes respectively. I'm also wondering if the ROMs have been...
  18. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    The only ROM images I can find are complete, presumably for use in emulators. Do you know of a source of split ROM files i.e. for each of the chips, or some way to de-interleave them without having to resort to coding. Someone must have done this before. BTW are the ROM binaries simply...
  19. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    Funny you should say that as its what I've just done. At first I was surprised to see that the address wasn't $0 but then I noticed that the select pin (20) was high. Checking GLUE pin 27 it was also high, hmm. However, removing W1 which disconnects the select line from the ROMs I see GLUE pin...
  20. R

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    Yes, I get continuity beeps between 5v and GND. It makes finding shorts tricky.