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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. KingDingus

    Pismo video out to HDMI?

    Any recommendations for getting video out of my Pismo to a newer gaming monitor? Not sure what reasonable options are available out there. I see my local MicroCenter has S video to HDMI but the device is 130 dollars. Thank you,
  2. KingDingus

    iMac G4 Appreciation Thread

    iMac G4 Model 4.2 800 Mhz 1 GB RAM 120 GB SSD Leopard Sorbet 10.12.14 macOS Sierra mask Absolutely love this machine and form factor. It’s not quite as unique as the cube, but it is certainly a marvel of Steve Jobs era engineering.
  3. KingDingus

    PB 5300 screen help

    Is this screen salvageable?
  4. KingDingus

    Spreadsheet application rec for Pismo?

    I have a Pismo running 9.2 and I'm looking for a spreadsheet application for an inventory project. Thanks.
  5. KingDingus

    My PB170

    Been tinkering for a few months now and wanted to move on to something out of my comfort zone. Picked up a nice 170 for a decent price. Besides the common tunnel vision and brittle plastics the machine has been fantastic.
  6. KingDingus

    TinkerDifferent Wallpaper?

    Has anyone created some TinkerDifferent wallpapers for various sized displays?
  7. KingDingus

    Deus Ex on Mac Mini

    Mac Mini G4 120 GB SSD 1 GB RAM (max) Mac OS 9.2 This has certainly been one of my easiest Apple projects so far but it’s been quite rewarding. If you’re looking for a cheap way to run games in 9.2, this is the way to do it!
  8. KingDingus

    Leopard Sorbet on iBook G4?

    Swapped out the HD with an SSD and I'm shopping around for a feasible OS. Will Leopard Sorbet be a good alternative? I have no experience with Sorbet as an alternative to vanilla Tiger or Leopard. Upgraded to 1.25 GB RAM
  9. KingDingus

    Hot Sauce fiends?

    Any fellow hot sauce enthusiasts in these parts? This is my current daily driver.
  10. KingDingus


    Are there any products or designs available for a display stand the MessagePad could rest on? Would love to throw this on my shelf next to my displayed hand held gaming devices. I’ve performed some cursory research and didn’t come up with anything. Maybe somebody with a 3D printer could...
  11. KingDingus

    2008 iMac 24” Restoration Journey

    Finally found a Facebook Marketplace project to tackle. 10 bucks! Sold as “parts only.” Previous owner claimed the GPU bad. I’ll post my progress here.
  12. KingDingus

    Howdy Folks

    Greetings- Very happy to have come across this useful tool while searching for resources for my tinkering. I am an active duty Navy electronics technician that enjoys bringing old computing junk back to life. Currently playing Diablo 2 on my iBook G4 and taking notes on a Newton 120 PDA...