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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Freshestcream

    Performa 6320CD power supply capacitor list

    Hey all. Recently I recapped and repaired the PSU for my Performa 6320CD because it was smelling pretty fishy when I powered it on. Here are the values of the caps in the PSU. Location Value C3 390uf 400v C12 470uf 10v C24 220uf 35v C19, C10 1000uf 16v C18 1000uf 35v C26, C21...
  2. Freshestcream

    Apple //c connect to RS232 Wifi modem

    Hey folks, Today I've been trying to connect my //c to the net using the RS232 wifi modem from the old net and Proterm 3.1. I built a cable that should allow communication. However, Proterm is unable to init the modem no matter which Hayes modem I select from the list. Are there additional...
  3. Freshestcream

    G3 Server Processor upgrade

    Hey folks. I recently acquired a beige G3 Server 300 mHz. While opening it up to remove the battery and clean it up I noticed the processor is in a zif socket and it was they same processor type as a G4 450mHz I had lying around. I popped the 450 into the socket and it booted up but when I went...