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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. MindThreat

    A thread for sharing photography...

    A few shots taken with the Sony Cybershot DSC-F717 (2002) today: 8/27/2022 - unedited with Telephoto lens A shot of the camera itself:
  2. MindThreat

    I miss the internet...

    Today, as I was commenting on something heavily politicized, I was grounded. The comment I had submitted was marked: "pending moderator approval due to our policy" which further meant, there's no way you're going to say what you are freely thinking nor are others going to be able to see it...
  3. MindThreat

    Indy Vintage Computer Club Meetup June 11th, July 9th - 2022

    This past weekend I had a chance to take some toys to the Lebanon public library for our monthly Indiana Vintage Computer Meet. Arrived a little later than I had wanted to but still had a solid two hours before people started heading out. It runs from 9am to 2pm once a month, every second...
  4. MindThreat

    If you're on the fence between a MP120/130 vs a MP2000/2100...

    Shoot for the 2000/2100 When I had sought out and received the MP130, I had thought it was the perfect size and would do the job just fine. Actually, the larger size of the MP2K was what put me off going after it originally. Curiosity sat in and I found the perfect MP2K (upgraded to 2100 even)...
  5. MindThreat

    MessagePad 2000 + extra surprises = The Pinnacle of my Retro Macintosh Office -- Completion!

    So... I've been on the fence about getting an MP2K for a while now, mostly due to both condition and/or prices that they tend to go for on eBay. Sometimes in quite worn condition, other times asking $400. Neither of which I was eager to get behind. Bearing that in mind, I was willing to accept...
  6. MindThreat

    Time Traveling with Slide Scanners & Photographs - Minolta Dimage F2400 with PowerBook G3 in 2021

    Earlier this year after putting together my retro mobile office wish list and slowly working toward acquiring all these old pieces to complete it, I landed a Minolta Dimage F2400 slide and negative film scanner for about $40. Unfortunately, long gone are any slides and film I may have had when I...
  7. MindThreat

    NewtPaint Comic Drawings

    I’m not really good at pixel art or comic drawing but I thought it would fun to put the MessagePad 130 to some additional uses. After seeing an Apple disk drive photo I saw earlier, it inspired me to create The Adventures of McFloppy - a short comic series I’ll try and work on from time to time...
  8. MindThreat

    Profile Dossier (Member Bio) - MindThreat

    Started on this when I first joined and finally got around to finishing it this evening. The idea was to create a magazine flyer styled single page bio, replicating parts of the older MacOS interface using purely retro gear and software. Created entirely on the PowerBook Kanga G3 in PhotoShop...
  9. MindThreat


    I realize there are a million places to make a blog so it may not make sense but was curious if there were any plans to incorporate user blogs into the forum at some point in the future.
  10. MindThreat

    Ridiculous things you want to try and do...

    Realize as of late I have a laundry list of somewhat ridiculous things I'd like to try. If you've seen some of my posts, I've already started making my way though some of them (Panoramas made using a QuickTake, modern manipulated Newton MessagePad Art, etc.) but one in particular I'd like to...
  11. MindThreat

    Experiments with the Apple QuickTake Cameras...

    After toying around with these cameras for the better part of this year (upon learning of their existence) today is the first time I've bothered with the lower resolution setting on the 150 and much to my surprise, it's not nearly as bad as I had expected. Sure you lose a little image...
  12. MindThreat

    New uses for old MessagePads

    Have been experimenting with ideas on possible modern things to use the Newton for. Created a concept album cover drawn on the MessagePad 130 with NewtPaint then captured with an iPhone, manipulated with Glitch and Snapseed and this is the outcome. Direct from Newton before and after results...
  13. MindThreat

    Kanga and QuickTake Camera problematic?

    So during my post CF install software installations and testing, I’ve started to encounter a serious issue and I’m not sure if it’s software related, hardware conflict related or what’s going on so I figured I would ask here. Does anyone here have and use a QuickTake 100/150 with a PowerBook...
  14. MindThreat

    My first Apple QuickTake 150 Panoramic Image - The Span of Autumn

    My first ever panoramic image using the QuickTake 150. That $20 Kaidan Tripod head paid off and I got in just the right amount of light today to get a really great capture of 15 vertical images stitched together. Felt the images turned out so well that I didn't want to post edit them in...